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They think they possess me but I have got my teeth out and ready

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They think they possess me but I have got my teeth out and ready.

I was not expecting them to be quite so young, well I had expected such things yet I am still surprised.

The first time I saw their face was June 4th. I remember because it was the day my blood turned cold, and it has yet to warm.

Their skin is milky white, their eyes sunken, and they look perturbed as if being in our quaint district is surreal to them.

That does not surprise me.

They look as if staring too long will turn you to stone. Maybe it will, I've yet to check.

No one knows their name yet, their appearance was sudden, disturbing almost.

It is silly really, we all knew they were coming yet the disbelief we held was real.

The rumours are saying that they're a gamemaker's kid, given the gig through privilege rather than actual merit, I can't say the notion shocks me. Despite the escort title, they are rather plain. Long, salmon-dyed hair, and a petite figure, they have elegance yet none of the Capitol's in your face pizazz.

They look like sex on legs.

When people describe such lewd things in poetry, you would imagine such a soul as them, dainty yet dirty, the kind of thing you want to be served to you on a silver platter.

The first nod of oddness was the guard.

Now, it was not unusual for escorts to bring their own guards with them, peacekeepers do what they can, but they do not provide 24/7 supervision. So, some members of the Capitol bring their own, trusted employees who will keep them safe no matter what.

However their guard, their guard looked at them with something more than profession in his eyes.

He was at least a foot taller than them, strong and dark-haired, locks long enough to slot into a neat top-knot. However, unlike most guards, he wore a suit. A nice two piece suit.

The rumours say they're fucking.

The rumours probably aren't wrong.

I pay heed to the warnings of the reap, the catch is being announced live this year. Every resident of each district must attend; it will be broadcasted in the centre, our escort smiling jovially whilst we get told the news that will ruin all children's lives.

12 hours.

If you do not attend, if your presence is not noted, peacekeepers will storm your house, to ensure that you are on death's door, and if you aren't, you will be.

I loathe those who find glee in this. Those who sit in their luxury, drowning in their riches. Those who have never felt the pain of dying alive. Yet I know they are not to blame, they simply live. Just like us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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