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Mexico ( 6:06 am)

The morning sky bloomed with a kaleidoscope of rosy hues, as the rising sun cast its golden fingers across the waking world. Light danced upon the bustling scene below, infusing it with an energetic vitality that accompanied the dawn of a new day.

In a spacious room nestled high above the city, a man in his late twenties sat upon a plush recliner, strategically positioned near a window that offered a panoramic view of the metropolis. With a steaming mug of black coffee in one hand and a file in the other, he observed the flurry of early-morning activity within the towering skyscrapers. His gaze was focused, his mind engaged in the business at hand.

Suddenly, the jarring ring of a phone shattered the tranquility of the room. Setting aside the file, the man reached for the device and swiped the green icon, recognizing the name displayed on the screen. Not a word escaped his lips as the man greeted him from othe other end.

"Don, a snitch has been uncovered in our recent deal, and Vincent has been abducted. Your presence is urgently required," a voice, belonging to Mister Alzo Romano, declared. The words dropped like a bomb, instantly igniting a raging fire within the man's eyes. Rising abruptly, the grip of his hand tightened around the coffee mug, causing it to shatter into countless shards. His anger blazed forth, turning the world into a blur of red.

The snitch had betrayed them all. Bloodlust consumed his every thought as he disconnected the call. Without wasting another moment, he summoned his assistant, instructing her to get the jet ready for their unplanned departure.

His returning earlier than anticipated was a dishonorable act and an ultimatum for the traitor. A snitch had infiltrated their ranks in his mafia, but for how long? And who was responsible? The deal had been finalized a mere six hours prior, with Vincent assuring him of its flawless execution. How could he have been kidnapped? Trained from a tender age, he was the epitome of a formidable fighter and skilled sniper, an invaluable asset to their team.

Dialing the number of the best hackers within their ranks, he issued a command to locate the tracker embedded within Vincent's wrist. Simultaneously, he ordered a thorough examination of the CCTV footage from Vincent's heavily fortified mansion.


For the past thirteen hours, an unsolved cold case had dominated the headlines within the illustrious Romano mansion. It had been thirteen agonizing hours since anyone had laid eyes on Vincent, a period marked by an all-consuming chaos. Sleep eluded the couple, their hearts heavy with worry for their missing son. Despite the meticulous search conducted by the secret security team, his mansion yielded no clues about his whereabouts. Not a trace of an intruder, not the faintest fingerprint.

Within the mansion, guards and maids exchanged whispers, pondering the audacity of the individual who dared to kidnap one of Italy's wealthiest figures-a man destined to become the second-in-command of the Italian Mafia. Most perplexing of all was the question of who would be so daring as to provoke the ire of these highly organized and untouchable men. History had already etched the dire consequences of those who sought to expose their criminal empire to the world, their deaths a testament to the inescapable torment that awaited them.

Mister Alzo Romano received news from his son's second secretary that Vincent had been unresponsive to calls and that they had a scheduled meeting with Mister Ivanov's son at 12:30. After numerous attempts, they resolved to search Vincent's mansion, only to find it empty.

Dread coiled tightly around Alzo's throat as he contemplated the possible fates that had befallen his son. Vincent couldn't have been kidnapped or killed; he had been groomed from a tender age to be a survivor. Even if abduction had occurred, the culprits would have found themselves trapped within the impenetrable fortress of Vincent's domain, guarded by an arsenal of security measures. Alzo interrogated every soul within a mere two hours, hoping for a simple explanation-a chance encounter, a secret meeting. However, the responses from his son's most trusted confidants shattered his composure. The revelations from his son's personal guard and his female office assistant rocked his world.

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