"Girls" night

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I know what I said about going on a break!

But I feel guilty for no Wednesday post!

(Excuse the image looking kinda funny)

(I've never worked with Chica or Roxy's models!)

F/F = Favorite food!

F/M = Favorite movie!


It was currently nighttime and you were with Freddy in his room

There wasn't much going on besides comfortable silence

That was until...

"Y/N!" Chica bursts into the room

"Huh!?" You and Freddy both slightly jump

"Me and Roxy were wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?"

"It'll be like a girl's night!" She uses air quotes when saying "Girl's"

You take a second to think

"Sounds fun! What time?"

Chica looks down at an imaginary watch

"About... 10 minutes!"

"Oh! I better get ready then!" You leap out of bed

"Meet us over by El chip's!" She quickly runs out

"You okay if I go Freddy?"

"Of course!" He smiles at you

"Who knows? Maybe Monty might want to do something with you?"

"I wouldn't-"

Freddy gets cutoff at the sound of a door opening


Freddy slightly jolts at the sound of something yelling his name

"Yo do you wanna have a boys night out?" Monty asks

"You can come too Y/n" He looks over at you

"Sorry! I have plans for tonight, but maybe some other time!"

"Well I guess that just leaves you and me, eh pal?"

Monty wraps his arm around Freddy and gives him a noogie

"S-Sure..." Freddy tries to break free

You just laugh internally while watching this happen

"Meet me over by El chip's"

Monty lets go and leaves

"It looks like we're both headed the same way!"

"You wanna walk there together?"

"Sure!" Freddy nods

"Okay! But first, how do I look?" You strike a small pose

"Stunning." He takes your hand and kisses it

"Thank you! You don't look bad yourself!"

You and Freddy hold hands while you get ready to leave

After making it over to El chip's, you meet up with everyone

"Y/n! Over here!" Chica starts waving

"Be there in a sec!"

"Freddy!" Monty yells over

"Coming!" Freddy yells back

You both turn to each other for a second

"Meet back at my room later?" Freddy whispers

Love at first sight! ❤️ | Glamrock Freddy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now