Chapter 50

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He was dead.

Waverly's throat was on fire, struggling to hold onto the quivering volcano of emotion threatening to erupt.

"No.." She muttered, voice barely above a whisper.

Her body was completely still, cemented to the ground like an old statue.

"N—No." The shapeshifter cried out, her eyes falling all over William's body.

Wyatt was standing behind her, his heart beating even faster than her own.

"Waverly." He mumbled.

His voice cracked in half like a twig.

"He's gone—he's dead!" She dejected.

Waverly's hands twitched, breaking out of their frozen exterior.

She wrapped her stiff arms around her knees, pulling her legs up against her chest.

"It's okay."

"No." Waverly breathed out, "It's not."

Suddenly, her mind drifted back over to the hunter gazing proudly at them.

Rage flooded through her.

The anger that hovered over him like a dark cloud, masked everything she had been feeling moments ago.

Power exploded from her figure, sending a shockwave of invisible energy through the forest.

She couldn't feel the sorrow, or the grief, only rage.

Rage that was directed at Matthew.

He was responsible for this.

He was responsible for everything.

The human was thrown back, knocked off of his feet as her power struck him.

He was defenseless.

Waverly's eyes shot up, landing on the hunter.

They shimmered with blue light, becoming more and more prominent by the second.

As her anger increased, so did her power.

So did her bloodlust.

"You killed him." The shapeshifter said, slowly pushing herself up from the ground.

There was no fear, no sadness.



The air around her thinned and the trees cracked.

The ground devoid of grass seemed to move underneath her feet, as if it had a mind of its own.

Waverly suddenly felt claustrophobic.

Her clothes felt tight and her powers were overwhelmingly secure.

She hadn't felt like this since she slashed that hunter's throat in the forest. 

Matthew stood before her, his pale eyes examining her closely.

There was a hint of fear in his stoic expression. 

Waverly had never seen this in him before.

It was exhilarating.

"Waverly." Wyatt said again, his voice more demanding this time.

He was trying to stop her, to hold her back.

But the shapeshifter wasn't about to let him weaken her.

Not when she was so close to winning.

She dragged on closer and closer to the human, a faint gust of wind brushing her hair back.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now