Year One: The Noble House of Black

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When Sirius woke up that morning, he immediately wished he hadn't.

"Merlin James shut the window!" Standing by the wardrobe, James pulled a sweatshirt over his head, messing his hair up even more and sending his glasses askew. Sirius shivered at the cool morning air, pulling his blankets up to his chin. "Why are you even awake? We don't have classes today."

"Quidditch tryouts," he replied easily.

"I don't mean to distress you, mate, but I don't think you're getting on the team. Also, I'm freezing my bollocks off here." James did not even pretend to consider shutting the window, instead choosing to pull on a pair of socks.

"I'm not trying out, I just want to watch." So James was purposefully waking up before the sun had even risen to go and watch quidditch tryouts. Right. "You can get up and shut it if you want it shut so badly. And while you're up you can come along with me!" Of course. This was all a dirty ploy to force Sirius out of bed on his weekend.

"Piss off," Sirius grumbled, and James just shrugged with a smile. "Pete! Get up and shut the window!" James took the opportunity to attack the other conscious body in the room.

"Peter, want to come and watch tryouts with me?"

"I want you both to stop talking and let me sleep." He paused. "Why is it so cold in here?" Sirius grinned at James.

"Remus, what about you mate? Fancy a trip to the pitch?" Remus made a noise that sounded an awful lot like a growl. Sirius sighed and tugged the covers off of him, too awake to go back to sleep now.

"I'll come," he sighed, reaching for his own sweatshirt. He did not close the window, Peter be damned. James celebrated and tugged him out of the room, hardly giving him time to pull on his other shoe. James was kind enough to allow him breakfast, (though it took the entire walk to the Great Hall to convince him) but it was cut short by his constant nagging.

"All right, all right, I'm going!"

By the time they reached the pitch, Sirius quickly learned that there was no need to rush, as the seats were entirely empty and the professor wasn't even there yet.

"James?" Sirius said coolly. "Why is no one here?"

"I wanted to get here early." If James wasn't smiling so sweetly, Sirius might have throttled him. For September it was very chilly, so Sirius stood with his arms tucked in his armpits next to a buzzing James as they waited for the stands to fill with people.

Only about twenty people showed up to watch, none of them as young as him and James, but when the boys and girls holding broomsticks arrived, James' excitement was palpable. Sirius had never seen a game of quidditch before, except for in magazines, and though he would never admit it, he was looking forward to it too.

There were only two open positions for Beater and Seeker, as those who used to occupy it had graduated last year, but eleven people were trying out. An older girl, likely a Fourth Year was up first, and Sirius watched in rapt attention as she whizzed through the air masterfully, hitting the bludgers at full force. He winced as one only just missed a boy on his broom. She was good, or so Sirius figured, but everyone seemed very skilled at their craft. Three students were trying out for Seeker, but they couldn't hold his attention since they were mostly just floating in the air unmovingly.

Sirius himself was most interested in the Keepers. They were very alert, and for someone who always needed something to occupy his mind, Sirius thought he'd excel at that position. Not that he'd ever try out, of course.

"What position do you want to play?" Sirius asked when he got a little bored.

"I want to be a Chaser," James said from his left, pointing at a Seventh Year holding the Quaffle. "They always have the most to do. You have to be really good at flying to be a Chaser."

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