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Our teacher made no notice of my late arrival, just continued to start up the lesson he had planned for the day. I pulled out my textbook and opened to the page number he had written on the board, trying to follow along with what problems we were working on. It was extremely difficult with Scarlet's dark eyes flicking to watch me every couple of minutes.

When the bell rang, I shot out of my seat and pushed through the crowd to reach my locker a few halls down. I twisted the lock to my code and swung the door open, grabbing the bag of snacks I stored in there for days like today when I skipped breakfast. Lunch was next anyway, but I needed something just to get me to the cafeteria. I caught my hands shaking in math when I was trying to write. I blamed the run here on no food for it.

I opened the bag of pistachios and reached to grab a handful when the bag was snatched right out of my hands. A few bounced on the ground by our feet.

"Scarlet," I growled. "Give it back."

"Why?" She popped one in her mouth, crunching on it dramatically. "We're not supposed to have nuts in the building, anyway. Or did you forget that one kid has a crazy allergy?"

"They don't leave my locker." I tried to defend.

She held up the bag between her fingers. "They've left."

Taking the chance, I quickly seized the package back, closing it up and tossing it back in my locker. Not letting her have a chance to steal it again, I slammed the door shut and leaned against it. Behind my back, I fiddled with the lock to check that it was latched.

"Feisty." She chuckled.

"Yeah, well I've had a rough weekend and a rough morning."

"Hmm." She picked at a hangnail. "I suppose it has to do with that one girl moving away? Serena or something."

I scrunched my face. "Skylar. You weren't even close."

"That's 'cause I don't care."

"I know."

She dropped her hand and folded her arms. "What's the big deal, anyway? So she moved across the state or whatever. It's not like she died."

I glared at her. "I know that. How do you even know about it?"

"Oh, news floats around. And all the boys are moping too. A pretty girl moved away and they all feel like they missed a chance or something." She shook her head, "It's ridiculous, really." Now she tossed her hair over a shoulder, "When I have been here all along."

For some reason, that made me furious. "Oh, get over yourself! If those jocks had any interest in you, they would have come after you already!" I pushed past her. "I'm going to lunch."

"Put your claws away, Emerald!" She called after me, but didn't follow me. We didn't have the same lunch period, thank Goddess.

At first, my heart jumped at the thought I had partially shifted in my anger and my claws were actually visible. But looking at them, I was fine, so she must have just meant for me to calm down. It was a peculiar choice of metaphors to use, though.

Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed she looked slightly dejected. Good, I thought, my reaction wasn't satisfying this time. I didn't let her get to me.

I contemplated what she said while I munched on a slice of pizza at the lunch table. Today, I sat alone.

I knew she was telling the truth about the jocks moping over a pretty girl leaving. They often tried to hang around us, leaning against a wall near our lockers, trying to find courage to talk to us. Sometimes, they were bold enough to sit down at our lunch table. Most of those actions went ignored, or shooed away by Sky. I had no interest, and Skylar claimed she wanted to wait for her mate. I bet she was glad she did, now.

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