2 truths 1 lie

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SMG2: Im bored

SMG0: same

SMG4: Wanna play two truths one lie?

SMG1: Sure

Niles: I'll start!

Niles: I have committed murder, I will do it again, and it hurts when I pee 😊

SMG3: You scare me

Niles: Ik

SMG0: obviously the one about you killing somebody again is a lie...

Niles: no

SMG1: bruh

SMG4: ummmmm I'll go next ig

SMG4: I'm having a sexuality crisis, last night I stayed up editing, and I like spaghetti

SMG2: Is the one about you staying up all night a lie?

SMG4: Nope!

SMG3: Dude go to sleep!


SMG1: Is it the spaghetti one?

SMG4: Yep!

SMG3: My turn!

SMG3: I hate the Sonic the Hedgehog games, my favorite musical is Hamilton, and I am currently wanted for multiple war crimes

SMG0: Knowing you it's not the war crime one

SMG3: It's not

SMG4: Is it the Sonic one?

SMG3: Yea

SMG0: I'll go next!

SMG0: I've been lit on fire a total of 5 times, I can't stand snoring, and I'm a pretty good artist

Niles: It's the fire one! You've been lit on fire 4 times!

SMG0: Good job Niles!

SMG2: Dang that's a lot

SMG4: No it's not

SMG2: Really?

SMG4: Yeah Mario gets lit on fire almost daily

SMG3: Wow I knew it happened a lot but I never knew it happened that often!

SMG1: I'll go now

SMG1: I got squished by a giant block in Toy Toy Kingdom, I'm a dog person, and I used reading glasses

SMG2: It's the dog person one

SMG1: How'd you know?

SMG2: You have a cat calendar in your room lol

SMG0: Wait you got squished by a block?

SMG1: Yeah

SMG0: That sucks

SMG3: So that's why your head is a Lego


SMG3: Yea it is

SMG1: 😔

SMG2: Ngl your head does kinda look like a Lego...

SMG1: bruh

SMG2: but I like it like that!

SMG1: awww ty!

SMG2: My turn!

SMG2: I have a criminal record, I suck a sports, and I've broken my leg

Niles: Is it the sports one?

SMG2: No

SMG4: The one about your leg?

SMG2: You guessed it!

SMG4: That was fun!

SMG3: Yea we should do it again sometime!

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