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Back to the present...

My past haunted me at night, and during the days, I would find any distraction that would keep me from reliving horrid memories.

Usually, it was working out, or brushing up on my sword skills in the morning. I would read until my eyes blurred the words on the page, and I would enjoy the fresh air.

Meals were the only time I wasn't alone, although, it wasn't voluntary.

My family slowly prodded me throughout conversations to make sure I could still speak. I just didn't have anything to say.

But there was one Fae's company I did enjoy.

And that was Elaine.

Strangely enough, if I had met her before my entrapment in the mirror realm, I believe I could've broken her with a snap of my fingers.

But after spending time with her, I know she's hiding something. Something large, something that no one else knows.

My favorite parts of the day were when I wandered into her garden, and sat on a bench. I could enjoy the sunshine, or get lost in a book without judgement. Or questions regarding my sanity.

Elaine's garden was coming along beautifully, lush and green and alive.

Elaine sat up, and frustratingly huffed, "Carina, can you hand me the large trowel next to you? These chrysanthemums aren't cooperating today."

"I don't think the flowers are out to get you," I teased her, and she gives me little emotion beyond an eye roll.

Elaine takes off her dirty glove, and her hand grazes mine as she takes the small shovel.

Her eyes become hazed over, and the metal falls with a loud thump into the dirt.

She takes an unearthly gasp, and words fumble out of her mouth, in a voice not truly her own.

"Serpent's bone cut from teller's blade
Stars burn by the seeker's sword
All to stop the undead horde

Fate prevents an ancient strand
Of one who calls to fire
To save his land from decisions dire

Reflections show ghosts
Only so many secrets can darkness hide
Before her river of stars have dried

Shadows mix and visions tangle
Sun shall shine true and brave
Only division shall save

The fate of Fae
Of suns, of clay,
Of flames, of swords,
Of shadows, and of chords"

Elaine falls from her kneeling position, and I catch her right before she lands. She was out cold.

What the—

She was a seer. Elaine was a seer, Feyre told me that. Then why did I just see a prophecy roll out of her tongue? I thought this was what the priestesses were for.

I didn't know what to do, so I yelled, "Help! It's Elaine!"

I checked her breathing, and her pulse, she was alive.

I heard a crash across the House, and loud footsteps making their way to the garden.

They all came rushing, and I was surprised to see an old, familiar face.

Lucien Vanserra.

He brushed me away, and took Elaine into his arms before anyone else could get near.

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