02.26.23 | idk we're just here + posters that are pretty cool!

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02. 26. 23
Welcome back to this thing I keep
forgetting exists! Anyways, in a surprising
turn of events I have made time to do
things I enjoy (make graphics) while dying
under a mountain of coursework! I wish
I was kidding but somehow all of these
were made while I was in the middle of
studying for exams (crazy) (for reference tho
I've done well on all of them ahaha somehow
the higher level classes which I was afraid of
being difficult are making sense to me) (mayhaps
it's just the fact that I'm now one and a half
semesters away from finishing my undergrad
degree so I've seen a bunch of this stuff in
other classes but ... back to graphics).

Comic covers inspired by @/bayports
as always!!

Let me know your thoughts! Especially
about the poster series! I'm really proud
of it!

Comic covers inspired by bayports as always!

Comic covers inspired by bayports as always!

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