Chapter 33

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I was sitting in my office thinking of how we'd get Lucy back when I got a message on my laptop. It was a message showing Lucy's location.

Just then Matteo, Stef, Sal and Luc come into my office talking about the message. The location is strange though. I've never heard of it. Maybe it's one of Marco's new hideout.

"We have her location now, let's go" Luc said. I know he misses her, we all do but we can't just go and he'll hand her over. That's not how these things work.

"We can't just walk up and get her without a plan or anything at all" Stef says and they all nod in agreement.

"Matteo, call Santi and tell him to come over in the mean time, you guys can think of how we can get Lucy back" with that they all leave.

I call dad and decide to tell him about Lucy and he picks up on the fifth ring. "Hello, Enzo, what's the problem?" He knows something's up since I don't usually call him like this unless something's up.

"Lucy's been kidnapped and my guess is that Marco's behind it" then it went dead silent.
"I'll be home soon" and then he hung up.

I placed my phone down and went to my laptop looking at the map of how to get there. I send the location to one of my workers to find out more about that place while I look at it myself to see what I can find out.

Just then, Stef walks into my office. "They're here" . That's when I remembered that our cousins were coming over today. Now they're coming here to find out that-

"LUCY'S BEEN KIDNAPPED" Giovanni yelled from the door of my office. I guess they found out already.

"Listen, there's no need to yell, we know where she is, we're just trying to form a plan so we can get her back safely" I try to reason with him but he's just going to be Giovanni and then he storms off to who knows where.

I walk to the living room to find my siblings and cousins all quiet. Some where lost in thought, some were quiet while some looked like they were trying to find out a solution to all of this, some were standing while some were sitting.

"Have you told dad about it yet?" Sal asked. He was a lot more worried about Lucy than all of us. He really cares about her.

"Yeah, I have, he said he'll be home soon" I replied. He just nods his head and goes back to his thoughts.

Matteo comes into the room and then says that he looked at the security footage to see how the culprit came in and took her and showed us what he found.

Apparently, he shot the guards standing under Lucy's room window with a silencer and then climbed up the window, when she was on her bed. He checked to see if anyone was there from the door but didn't close it so Lucy wouldn't turn around to see who it was and then raise an alarm. When he didn't see anyone, he went over to Lucy and then drugged her.

'How did he pass the gates then?' I thought. Guards are always there so matter what time it is and not just one guard. Unless there's a snake. We've got to find out who it is.

That was when Santi came with Diego into the room. Diego had a look on his face which told me that he knew about Lucy. Santi, Matteo, Gio, Nico, Sal and I went to my office.

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