Back At the Ministry

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The world feels empty.
It's been a while since you have visited the ministry, a while since you've seen Copia.
Leaving him all those years ago was a lot for you to handle, leaving so many questions unanswered, so many what ifs? But, you had to go, your parents needed you. And if it weren't for you, where would they be? Sure, the ministry also needed you, but leaving your parents was something they would not be able to handle, and you knew you would be back.
Plus, with Copia's new promotion to Cardinal... it was the perfect time to come back.

The ministry looks the same... old. The sun was shining particularly bright on this warm summer day, the ministry bustling with the usual people, siblings of sin wondering the grand halls.

You walk among them, finding you blend in casually. You look for someone you know, Sister, Papa, Copia... and that's when you see him. In his new Cardinal attire, talking to a Sister of Sin.

A smile grazes your face, he looks the same, which is unsurprising it was only a couple of years, but it's nice. A nice familiar face. His nice familiar face.

Once he's done talking, you walk up to him. His back is turned to you and you decide it's the perfect time to scare him. You grab his shoulders "Boo!" He whips around in a flash, "Caro Sathanas... hello" He breathlessly says, pretending you didn't just scare the shit out of him. "Y/N? What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you today! or.. ever again really"
"Oh, don't say that. You knew I couldn't stay away. I love the ministry! Plus, your new promotion! Cardinal Copia has a beautiful ring to it" You tell him.

Copia gives you a half smile, his hand brushes his own cheek absent-mindedly. "I'm glad to see you here, these halls have been less... energetic without you here" he says

"I'm glad I could leave such an everlasting impression. Energetic you say?" You giggle remembering all the times you teased Copia, resulting in him chasing you down through said halls. "That's one way to put it" He responds, he lets out a slight laugh while blushing, he looks away.

"How is being Cardinal? That's a big promotion" You are truly interested, it has always been Copia's dream to have an important role in the ministry. "I'm still adjusting to my new role, it's a lot of work" He places his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly and chuckles "don't get me wrong, i love it truly! Just- a lot of work" "Oh please. You're perfect for the role of Cardinal! Sure it's a lot of work but honestly, I don't think i've seen anyone be a better Cardinal than you"

He smiles and glances down "Oh wow... Thank you, truly. That really means a lot to me" His tone is genuine and soft, he doesn't usually share his worries with others, but this he let out without any hesitation. "Well im glad i could be of service Cardinal" you assure him "So what's different with the ministry since i've been gone?" His gaze meets yours, his eyes lighting up with excitement "Oh so much! I have these new rituals i'm in the midst of creating! I hope they will help our devoted followers be assured in our ministry... and maybe some old rituals I want to update" Copia slyly winks "I hope to see a change in how our ministry impacts the world, no one will forget us"

"Oh always so mischievous Copia" You joke. He giggles, "I'm thinking of making the ministry appeal to larger audiences, that way there's more revenue to expand, more followers. I'm
not sure if it's a good idea. What are your thoughts?" He asks, genuinely interested in what you have to say. "Larger audiences... I think that's an amazing idea! You'll lead the ministry into history for sure! Getting the word out there is a good place to start" You assure him.

His eyes light up and he nods agreeingly, "Yes! Spreading the word, so many followers... we will be unstoppable! Of course, if you were planning to stay in the ministry?" He smiles wickedly, awaiting your response. "Of course I will stay! I came back all this way to see you after I heard of your promotion... I've missed it here so much!"

His face lights up, he meets your eyes once more "That's perfect! Since you'll be here for a while... Would you like to help me with some... duties?" a smile forms one his face, he offers you a hand. His eyes flickering from your eyes to your hand, back to your eyes. His smile never fading as he awaits your response. You take his hand and giggle "Helping you is what i'm here for!"

Copia's face is closer to yours now, you can't look anywhere but his eyes, his lips parted slightly, gaze locked into yours "Yes, yes. I know how you like to be... special, my carissimo" The word sounds sweet coming from his mouth, a delicious secret just for the two of you. His hand grasps yours firmly, his grip it tight. He drags you along the halls into his new office, away from the bustling halls. He opens a heavy wooden door.

"Welcome to the Cardinals Office, carissimo" He lets go of your hand and you glance around. The office is rather simple, a desk and chairs, a fireplace and some books scattered around. You glance at his desk and see an old photo of the two of you together, you can't help but smile.

You can't help but remember when that photo was taken, you were new to the ministry. Copia was your first friend here, someone you could trust. You snap back to reality and clear your throat "Oh, yes... You needed help?" you remind him "Yes, carissimo" he says as if he's in a trance... "What was it i needed... oh yes... you"

He brings his face close to yours, he speaks quietly, the world seems to have faded around you. He looks at you longing, "I need you" he says. You look him in the eyes, you have waited for this moment since the day you met him. You had no idea he felt this way, or if he would ever be this forward about it "Oh my... Copia"

Your lips interlock, he placed his hands around the back of your head. It's not a tender kiss, it's a kiss with force. His hands slide to your waist and hold you firmly. His eyes are closed, he continues kissing and kissing and finally he pulls away.

The room is silent, only the sound of hearts beating and ragged breathing can be heard. He looks down at you "I hope I am not being too forward, carissimo"

"You can never be too forward with me Cardinal. I have been longing for this moment." You say, catching your breath in between words. His eyes light up with your words, his face is bright red, "There is nothing I have waited longer for than this" he pulls you into a hug, his face buried in your neck, you can feel his breath "You're perfect" There is love and lust in his voice. This is the first time Copia has been so open with you, so real, as he is with you right now.

You hug him back, and embrace him once more "Cardinal..." He looks at you, he seems happy but there is a twinge of fear in his eye, the fear of rejection. You could tell he was putting so much on the line by going through with this. He wanted you, but he was scared you would reject him.

"I love you, Cardinal" He goes still, "Love?" he whispers, "Are you sure Carissimo? Do you really... love me caro?" Copia is in shock by your statement. "I do, I really do love you Cardinal. There is nothing more I want in this world than to be embraced by you my love" You confess

Copia goes silent. Only for a moment does everything cease to exist, it's just you and him. Together. He then whispered "my love" his tone is so tender, it is the tone of one who is in love. A man who has found love.

He kisses you once more, this time it's soft and slow. This time, you can hear his heart beat against yours. He stops, his eyes glowing with passion, with love "I love you, carissimo"

You step back "I love you too, you are my everything Cardinal. Without you I am nothing". Copia smiles brightly, "Everything" he says.

His whole demeanour has changed, the awkward Cardinal from earlier is no longer, He is a man in love, a man with his first love, and it's with you.

"I am your everything, carissimo" he smiles softly, "and you are my world"

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