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Sarah woke up and felt her diaper squish under her bottom as she sat up, she saw the Sippy cup next to the bed and after a couple of clumsy attempts managed to pick it up and get the teat into her mouth.  She sucked greedily as she was always thirsty in the morning and after a brief bang in her bladder felt her diaper getting warm followed by a spreading warmth under her bottom.

Sarah did not want to wake Jake so quietly climbed out of bed but as soon as she made it to her feet she felt totally wrong, like she was drunk she could not keep her balance and had to hold on to furniture to keep herself upright.

"morning Sarah" said a cheery Becky through the open bedroom door.
"somethings not right" replied Sarah, "cant keep my balance", with that Sarah tried to walk to Becky but found herself falling as she was half way, but Becky managed to catch her before she hit the floor and lowered her onto her knee's.
"Looks like you need a change" said Becky, as she heard it Sarah realised that her diaper was soaking wet and also the back of her sleeper was also cold and wet so her diaper must have leaked.
"Good job we used the thicker diapers" said Becky, "Otherwise that leak would have been much worse, I can see there is only a small wet patch on the bed and the waterproof sheet I added should have protected the mattress just fine".  Becky helped Sarah to stand and then roll back onto the changing table.

Becky leant down to get a clean diaper, wipes and the other things she needed while Sarah lay on the table, Sarah felt a sudden urgency in her bowel just as Becky positioned herself to start undoing the snaps on Sarah's sleeper.  Becky stopped unsnapping Sarah's sleeper as she heard the first wet muffled sounds of Sarah begin to mess herself.
"why have you stopped" asked Sarah
"Just waiting for you to finish" replied Becky.  Sarah wondered what Becky meant until she realised that the feeling she was having in her bowel was in fact her messing herself, and Sarah started to cry.
"I think that we need to stop using these thinner diapers and keep you in the thicker ones you used overnight" stated Becky, "With the way you are this morning I think you are going to need it",  Sarah just nodded through her sobs as Becky went about removing her sleeper before untapping her diaper and cleaning her up.
"what is that" asked Sarah as she saw the replacement diaper being unfolded, "it looks like a baby diaper with all of the characters on it".
"Yes" said Becky, "I managed to get these at a reduced cost, they are the same as the other ones but a little more colourful, cute don't you think?"  Sarah just nodded while thinking that they looked very infantile.

Becky lifted Sarah's bottom to slide the new thick toddler diaper under her, Becky knew that this transition from adult medial incontinence diapers to adult sized toddler diapers would have a huge mental impact, so she started to hum a quiet lullaby which seemed to settle Sarah while her diaper change was completed and she was dressed by Becky in an adult sized onesie which clearly showed her diaper peeking out by her legs.

Once she was off the changing table Becky had to help Sarah into the living room, and as she let go Sarah fell down again.
"I know" exclaimed Becky as if in surprise, "the play ben has a cushioned bottom, so it wont matter if you fall down in there."
"ok" replied Sarah as she was helped in through the large open gate before falling down into her bottom, at least it didn't hurt that time Sarah thought to herself.  Becky closed the gate and it clicked shut.

"I am just going to wake up Jake and get him ready" said Becky as she left the room.

Sarah did not try to stand again as she was fed up of falling over, but she realised that there was nothing to do in the play pen so decided to get her computer and at least d some work.  She crawled over to the gate but the mesh prevented her hands from getting to the mechanism to open the gate, she tried to use the sides to push off in order to stand up but fund that the soft mesh material kept moving and causing her to fall back onto her bottom or side each time she tried.  Sarah realised that until Becky opened the gate she was trapped in the play pen.

Sarah looked around the playpen and say all of the large cuddly soft toys, from teddy bears to soft letter blocks each the size of her head, she also saw a pacifier lying in the corner, it was huge, adult sized and Sarah found herself with an urge that she could not contain, so she crawled over to the pacifier and popped it into her mouth and began suckling.  Sarah felt contentment immediately and decided to sort out the playpen while waiting for Becky to return.

Sarah first stacked the blocks into alphabetical order, then started to arrange the teddy's.  Sarah picked up one teddy that looked particularly cute and could not help herself as she gave it a big hug, just like the pacifier this felt perfect and contentment rippled through her as she then started to carry the teddy around the play pend with her.

Sarah slowly stopped arranging the toys and instead started to play with them, making the teddies have a lunch and doing the voices for each of them.  None of this seemed strange to Sarah as she was so caught up in what she was doing, she barely noticed the urge in her bladder followed by the warm sensation in her thick toddler diaper.

Becky looked on from the corner of the room and knew that the subtle regression instructions from the mobile were taking effect, she needed to ensure Jake was in a similar state of mind and level of obedience before engaging in the next stage of the process.

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