Acknowledgements & Upcoming Stories

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Holy moly, we made it to the end! Thank you so much for joining me on Shannon, Loki, and Elatha's journey. I'm sure your first question is what's happening next. While this is the end of the Triquetra Trilogy, the Gods Among Us universe is thriving, and I'm sure you picked up the story line cues that haven't yet been answered. You'll see more of your favourite trio. The next set of stories is The Valkyries, and starts with Ensnared (available on my profile), Chains That Bind (available in the Monstrous Love Anthology on the Writersconnx profile), and Entangled. 

Entangled picks up at the end of Origin. Chapter drafts of Entangled are available on REAM now (, posting a month before Wattpad, so if you are interested in supporting my writing, please do find me there. 

Thank you for believing in these stories and supporting my writing so wholeheartedly. In particular, I want to express my deepest appreciation for:






You've been with me through the entire trilogy of Loki's journey to redemption and Shannon's journey of identity. You've voted, read, and commented every step of the way, each and every week. It has meant the world to me.

To others who've found my story later, those who wait until the books are complete to binge through, or get busy and catch up later, thank you so very much for reading, for enjoying, for voting or commenting. I see you and appreciate you so very much. If you have enjoyed my stories, please do tell others about them.

I also want to acknowledge my critique partners who have and are helping me improve these stories with every comment and piece of feedback. Although they haven't reached the end of the trilogy yet, we're getting there:




And the same appreciation to the clubs and members, as this critical feedback is so very essential:





Finally, the fellow writers of writersconnx who are such a supportive community and have made all the difference is making me feel at home. 

Thank you in particular to:

Van_Carley I wouldn't have found WCX without you.

iamRodneyVSmith Your encouragement and dedication to promoting fellow writers is inspiring. I hope you know how much we appreciate you.

ORIGIN (#3, Gods Among Us)Where stories live. Discover now