the end!

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Everything was going great, it was your 9th month, Jungkook started working from home as he didn't wanted to take any risk. Because he was afraid that what if your water broke and he wasn't around. That's why he preferred working from home. Your baby bump grew much bigger, as if someone filled air inside it. Well, because you're having twins your bump was more than others.

"JUNGKOOK!! NOO!!!!" You shouted with tears flowing down from your eyes as you saw the man, taking his last breath in front of you. "What happened baby? Why are you crying?" You looked beside you and saw Jungkook coming out from the kitchen with your favourite food. You sobbed and pointed towards the big screen, which was playing the Titanic last scene.

"Jack, can't diee!!! Rose will be alone." You sobbed as he hugged you. "Baby, it's just a movie. Yeah? Don't cry!!" He wiped your tears as his one hand was cupping your cheeks. You shook your head and said. "Are you blind or what?? Can't you see he's dead. The water must be very cold!! Poor Jack." You sniffed as he couldn't help but to laugh at your cuteness.

"Yah!! Why are you laughing?" You pouted angrily and he booped your nose. "Your pregnancy made you adorable y/n. Ok now it's time for your medicine, here." He gave a glass of milk, which had powder mixed in it. You made a disgusted face because it's taste was literally hell.

"Kook!! I'm not feeling well. I will drink this later." You dramatically helf your head, expecting him to believe. "Y/n, this is not gonna work. So you better drink this or no icecream tonight." He stated strictly making you pouted as you scoffed. "Waee!! Kook is bad." You whined but instead of saying anything he handed you the glass of milk. "Drink." He said.

"Please kook!! I promise I will drink this later." You gave him your puppy eyes but he shook his head as he sighed. "No, you should drink this. It's your medicine right? It is good for you. So now be a good girl and drink this." He said softly making you sighed. "Fine." You took the glass from him as you closed your nose with your fingers because with a bad taste, it's smelled bad too and in few big gulps you drank that, making a disgusting face later.

"Yuckkk!! It's bad!!" You said in disgust. He gave you a chocolate to change the taste. "Umm thank you. This is much better." You took the first bite and felt better than the bitter taste of that medicine. Suddenly you felt a kick inside your stomach, making you flinched. "See, babies like chocolates too." You laughed caressing your stomach. Jungkook smiled as he put his hand on your belly.

"Really y/n. I can't believe we're gonna be parents." He said placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Aww, don't be emotional now. Or i will cry." You pouted making him laughed. "Alright, i will not." He shook his head and you both sat there, hugging eachother and watched some movies.

Time skip to night~~

You're in your room, when you felt something weird in your stomach but didn't think much about that because it was not that bad. Soon the bedroom door's got opened and walking in was Jungkook. "Y/n, let's go and have dinner." He stated as you nodded and you both made your way out to the dining area.

He helped you to sat on the chair as he served the food. "Here, eat this." He sat beside you. You nodded and took the spoon as you're about to take the first bite, you felt a really hard pain in your stomach as if someone stabbing you in your lower abdomen causing the spoon to fell on the plate. "What happened baby? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, looking at your face.

"J-Jungkook I-" Just as you're about to tell him, you felt your pants getting wet. You looked down and that's when it hitted you. Your eyes got widened and Jungkook looked at your confused. "Baby, what's happening?" He was confused. "I-I think my water j-just broke." You groaned because of the pain. He stared at you with big eyes. "B-Babies are coming?" He stammered and he looked as he was about to pass out any minutes.

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