Horror movie [Jaiden]

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Aiden and James were alone that evening, and decided to relax and watch a movie as friends

《So James? Which film do you want to watch?》
《I was thinking about seeing the exorcist or It》
《So what?》
《We are only 17》

James sighed and gave a smile then sat down next to Aiden and ruffled his hair

《Horror movies are perfect for our age, you know it's all fiction right?》
《Aha. And Marcus's doll?》
《Except that》
《we can't watch a comedy movie for once》
《Listen, I don't watch The Exorcist》
《Don't worry, if you're scared you can hug me, I'll protect you》
《How could I find protection in the one who forces me to watch the movie?!》
《Shhhhhhh it's starting》

A tremendous Jumpscare arrived in the film and Aiden with a start hugged James hiding in his chest. James stopped the film to calm down Aiden who was shaking like a leaf at the time.

《Come on buddy, it wasn't that frightening》

James laughed and cuddled Aiden gently stroking his hair and giving him a few kisses on the forehead. Aiden seemed to relax and closed his eyes for a moment indulging in the beautiful feeling of protection in his friend's arms. After a few minutes he reopened his eyes regaining awareness of what was happening

《Hey! I'm not 5 and you're not my mother!》
《You're the one who screamed in fear and then you grabbed at me》
《This is not true》
《Admit you liked it》
《No, I didn't like it at all》
《But you were to fall asleep》
《that's what you say》

James looked at him smiling and raised an eyebrow

《Ok then let's continue watching the movie》

James laughed again and grabbed Aiden by the waist to slam him onto the bed and shower him with kisses. Aiden tried to push him away but he actually liked it. They continued until they got tired and decided to go to bed

《Do I go to sleep in my bed or do you want me to sleep with you?》
《No, stay here》

And the two boys, after a few chats, fell asleep embracing each other.

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