The Only Family She Has

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[ It is nighttime in Manchester, we see an owl on the street sign "AVENUE GRANDE" and the camera pans to the street with very identical looking brown bricked houses. The owl flies away and an elderly man with crimson robes and a long silvery white beard named Albus Dumbledore walks out of a forest near the street, past a tabby cat standing next to what looks like a shed. He takes out his deluminator and activates it. Dumbledore zaps all the light out of the lampposts. He puts away the device and a cat meows. Dumbledore looks down at the cat.]

" This place looks familiar ! " thought Fleamont Potter

[ I should have known that you would be here...Professor McGonagall.]

[The cat silently looks at him, and the camera turns towards a wall. The cat's shadow turns into a woman with a tall hat. There are footsteps and Minerva McGonagall is revealed.]

[ Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus? ]

" What rumours ? " asked a fourth year Ravenclaw 

His friend who was sitting beside him smacked him on the head , " don't you remember Black's daughter killed the dark lord "

" Oh yeah " he said in realisation

[ I'm afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad ]

[ Then is - is it true that Evangeline and Sirius Black are - are dead ]

Remus , Peter , the Black's and Potter's tear up remembering their friends / family members death

[ Dumbledore sighed and looked down ]

[ And what about their children Regulus and Ariel ? ]

Evangeline and Sirius tear up remembering what happened to their kids 

[ Young Regulus was found dead in the house along with his parents , Ariel was the only survivor of the attack , Dumbledore said, his voice cracking a little bit]

[ Dumbledore are you sure this is the right decision? I've been watching them all day , they're the worst sort of people imaginable and you're telling me that Ariel Black will be staying here ? why not give her to Regulus? ]

[ Minerva , Regulus died 4 months before Ariel was born ]

All the Black's were shocked 

Sirius hugged his brother tightly, unable to process the thought of loosing him again 

Walburga bursted into tears 

[ Professor McGonagall was shocked, before she looked down ]

[ Where is she then ? ]

[ Hagrid is bringing her ]

[ Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this? ]

[ Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life. ]

" Just not our secrets ! " said the marauders 

Hagrid teared up and shot Dumbledore and the marauders a grateful smile

There is a motor sound, and the two professors look up to see a flying motorcycle coming down from the air. It skids on the street and halts. A large man with shoulder length black hair and beard named Rubeus Hagrid takes off his goggles, carrying a bundle of blankets in his arms ]

 [Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall , ma'am .]

[ No problems, I trust, Hagrid? ]

[No, sir. Little princess fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh. Try not to wake her. There you go.]

All the women and girls cooed at the sight of the baby

Sirius was looking  at his baby girl with so much love 

Hagrid hands a baby wrapped in a  bundle of purple blanket over to Dumbledore. Upon closer look , visible was a baby girl fast asleep . ]

" Awwww ! , she looks so cute ! " said Alice and Marlene

" She's perfect ! " whispered Sirius and Evangeline 

[ Albus , I request you to reconsider your decision, you really think Ariel will be safe here ? ]

[ The only family she has ]

" What about us ? " asked Andromeda and Remus

" I'll gladly take her in " said Andromeda 

Evangeline and Sirius shot her a grateful smile

[This girl will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know her name.]

[Exactly. she's better off growing up away from all that. Until she is ready.]

[Dumbledore places the baby on the ground slowly. Hagrid sniffles, he is sobbing a little. He clears his throat.]

[There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all.]

[Hagrid nods. Dumbledore takes a letter and places it on the baby, who is now at the foot of the door.]

[ Good luck...Ariel Black ]

 [The baby has a lightning-bolt shaped scar on her forehead. The camera slowly zooms towards the scar ]

 All the pureblood's gasp at the screen

" That's a cursed scar ! " whispered Regulus

" YOU LEFT MY BABY ON THE DOORSTEP ! " yelled Evangeline 

Dumbledore looked down, ashamed of his future self actions 

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