Ayanokouji and Ibuki meeting at the cinema and fight

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The start of an exciting time is here.

At that moment, a shadow fell on me from the left. A certain student sank into a seat. Looks like another weird person like me came to see a movie alone on Christmas Eve. I would like to commend her for choosing to watch this film alone. Thinking like that, I slid my gaze to the left.


Ike: It would be creepy for me to go to the cinema on Christmas Eve, because there are only lovers there...

Ishizaki: I wonder who this girl will be? Probably some weirdo.

Yamauchi: Hey, maybe this will be one of the "chance encounters"??? Ayanokouji, do you want to compete with me in the number of girls in the harem? Know that you can't beat me!

Amikura: Ayanokouji-kun, you can invite Honami-chan to the movies, you understand?

Ichinose: Y-Yes, Ayanokouji-kun, I'm ready to keep you company. You've already spent my day with me, it's only fair to do the same for you, right?

Ayanokouji: Hmm, yes, you might be right.

Karuizawa: ...

Without thinking about my behavior, I stupidly opened my mouth in surprise. That girl was Class C student Ibuki Mio. Just yesterday, that rooftop incident broke out. I had a feeling of some kind of awkwardness.

Nishino: It's Ibuki! 

Manabe: Ha, what other girl would go to the cinema alone? I'm not surprised. 

Ryuuen: Kukuku. You went on a date with your boyfriend, huh? 

Ibuki: Shut up! He will never be my boyfriend! And hey Ishizaki, who are you calling weird!? 

Ishizaki: Uh, sorry!

Fortunately, the lights in the cinema had already been turned off. Without noticing me, Ibuki turned her gaze to the screen. I belong to the camp of those who watch the film until the end of the credits, but if I stay until the very end, the lights will turn on again. Nothing can be done, today I will leave as soon as the credits appear on the screen. However, I made one mistake.

We are talking about the problem of "armrest", which often occurs in cinemas.

If I were sitting on the edge of the row, I could certainly use both the left and right armrest. However, in places other than the extreme ones, there is always a struggle for possession of the armrest.

If we talk about the rules of the cinema, then there is no indication of who owns which armrest, and most often "who has time, that and slippers." Since the couple who had come earlier had already taken over the armrest on my right, I wanted to take over the armrest on my left, but Ibuki casually placed her elbow on it.

It's not that there wasn't enough room on the armrest for two, but in that case, everything would end up with our elbows touching. She probably thought about it too, and Ibuki, as if trying to make sure of the current situation, looked in my direction.

Naturally, as I was watching everything that was happening, our eyes met.

- Ugh.

From Ibuki's side, such a disgusted exclamation immediately came. Due to the fact that the opening credits somehow mysteriously fell silent for a moment, I heard everything perfectly.

Hiyori: Ibuki-san, it's not good to show dislike for another person like that. Ayanokouji-kun didn't do anything to you. Almost...

Ryuuen: Ibuki, he just saw your underwear, what's wrong with that? Kukuku.

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