Chapter 23 - Betrayal

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Early Evening

At a complex of buildings overlooking a rocky bridge, a guard falls unconscious to the floor in one of the rooms inside. Several of Slade's commando robots, one carrying a large canister, walk past the said guard with many other guards lying knocked out as well. Outside, a section of the wall is blown out and the area is filled with dust, which clears to show the robots making their exit.

Robin's birdarang flashes across and smashes away part of the leader's head. It then flies back to the thrower's hand, with the original six Titans on the scene. "Tell Slade the Titans have a message for him."

Terra stands on one of several floating boulders. "Eat dirt!" She has forgone the goggles she used before as she sends all the spare rocks across the open area and neatly crushes several robots.

"Titans! Go!"

All seven move in, Terra bringing a few more rocks along. She changes positions and lowers the one she was standing on so that Robin can hop aboard. Laser blasts from the surviving robots slash the air, but he swerves expertly around them. Finally, he leaps as the stone crashes into one shooter, and he delivers a flying kick to another.

More shots emerge from farther back, zeroing in on the approaching Starfire. She returns fire with her eye beams, tracing a blazing path through three other robots. It explodes after a moment and throws them in all directions.

Raven's turn. She levitates an enormous slab of rock. "Terra! Catch!" She propels the mass at the blonde, who puts her hands up and gets it under control as Raven lets go. Down it comes like a few dozen loads of bricks to crush a knot of robots to pancakes.

"Thanks a ton."

"Closer to two tons, actually." Raven then creates a shield in front of herself.

A laser shot immediately blasts it apart and throws her backward. The robot that fired it flies up behind Terra, using its boot-mounted rockets to stay aloft, and cuts loose with another blast that shatters Terra's stone platform.

'Raven, six 'o clock.' 'Huh?' You glanced around your shoulders to find the sorceress' body flying towards you. You opened your arms in order to catch her before skidding back to a halt. You look to Raven's face as she groans. "Just flying by?" You joked.

After hearing your words, she rolled her eyes at your attempted humor. You set her down to her feet, with your hand softly holding hers to keep her steady. This action reminded her of your guys' dance together back at prom, causing the sorceress to uncontrollably blush. Her powers fizzled out and accidently cause a black spark of energy between you and her. It explodes which sends the both of you flying apart from each other.

The sorceress hits the ground and gasps. She looks over to your direction and finds you lying on the surface with a groan.

"I'm okay...!" You held up a hand and saluted, showing Raven that you were all right. 'What was that for...?' You wondered. 'Beats me...'

Feeling a tingling sensation behind the back of your skull, you quickly took action. You planted your hands on the ground, with your arms over your shoulder and your elbows bent. You pushed yourself off the ground, flipping backwards in the air as laser shots hit against the ground, missing their intended target.

Terra tumbles to the surface and very soon finds herself staring up at a couple of burglars, but Beast Boy, as a large gorilla, jumps down behind the blonde and roars, pounding his chest in fury. One robot gets a huge green smack across the face, with the second receiving the same treatment. A third runs toward Beast Boy and is swatted away. A fourth jumps on his back, but the green Titan picks it off, slams it to the ground, and throws it against a charging fifth. Finally, he roars, scoops Terra up, and returns to human form.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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