Forever and always

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We find Kylaney and the children outside with Gimli and Aragorn. Kylaneys and Aragorn sit on the grass with the children, and Gimli sits on a rock, smoking.

I smile at them. "Thank you so much for watching them." I thank Kylaney.

Kylaney smiles. "No problem."

Aragorn laughs dryly. "She wasn't the only one."

Elebereth repeatedly yanks on his hair.

I laugh at him.

"While she was busy playing with Estel I was taking care of Elebereth, she tugged on my hair all. night. long. Luckily, I didn't have to continue watching her, because Kylaney finally told Gimli and me we could leave."

Legolas and I both laugh at Aragorn.

I take Elebereth so she can't bother him anymore.

I kiss her cheek. "Let's leave Uncle Aragorn alone now."

Legolas picks up Estel, and Kylaney shoots him a death glare.

We spend the day together before They all leave for Rohan and Gondor.


The years pass, My mortal friends grow older, and my children are 7 now.

I'm In the throne room with Legolas when A little Elleth, with a long dress and a beautiful tiara, runs in with a Ellon dressed in a tunic and a plain tiara. Both hold wooden swords, they sword-fight each other while squealing and laughing. Thranduil walks in after them with a smile on his face.

"What have I told you two about sword fighting in the throne room?" Legolas asks them.

"But adaaa..."  our children say in unison.

Legolas glances at them causing them to stop.

Legolas walks down to them and kneels to their level. He kisses both of their cheeks.

"Alright my little warriors, finish playing outside. later tonight you can show us what you learned, does that sound good?"

They both smile and nod.

"Okay, Ada."

Thranduil waves for them to come with him. Elebereth and Estel smile and run off.

"Bye nana!" Estel yells.

I smile as they run off. Thranduil follows after them.

"Back to work?" I sigh.

Legolas takes my hand and twirls me around. "I suppose so." He presses a kiss on my lips.

I smile. "I love you, Greenleaf."

"I love you too, Aurë nin."

"Forever and always?"

Legolas smiles softly and nods. "Forever and always."


Long years pass. Our children grow to be amazing warriors. Elebereth reminds me much of Kylaney, who got approval to sail to the undying lands a few centuries ago with Eomer and Gimli. I miss Them greatly, but not for much longer, Legolas and I are sailing to the undying lands today.

Aragorn and Arwen had died long ago. Their deaths have brought Legolas and I both much sorrow.

"Are you ready, Meleth?" Legolas asks.

I touch Legolas' cheek. "Yes," I respond softly.

We walk outside to be engulfed by our crying daughter. 

"Don't leave..." She pleads in an almost silent voice.

Legolas tilts her chin up and wipes her tears. "Our hearts ache to leave you two. This is not the end, We will see you both again. You have my word"

I try to fight my tears back as Elebereth nods.

I see Estel standing off to the side trying his hardest to be strong. We open our arms to him and He hugs us. 

I begin crying as our children hug us tightly.

"Take care of each other," I instruct as we break apart and I wipe my tears.

"We will," Estel promises.

I place my hands on both of their cheeks, teary-eyed. "We love you." 

"We love you guys too." They say in unison.

"Forever and always." We all say together.

Legolas and I board our ship. Tears stream down my face as I wave goodbye.

Legolas wipes my tears with a tender smile as we sail off to Valinor.

When we arrive I engulf Kylaney in a huge tackle hug.

The End...

AHHHH! I can't believe it's over! I am extremely sorry for the long wait for such a short chapter!

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me. Also, a special thanks to my amazing friends who supported me and dropped lovely and funny comments along the way! <3 (*cough cough* Kylaney, Eri, and a couple more. *cough cough*) I love you guys  so much. <333

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me <3

-Jordan :)

Forever and Always. [Legolas x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now