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new year's —
37. joshua tree

saturday - 09:12am, california time

       They were now in Joshua Tree.

They arrived friday night by plane and were planning to stay till tomorrow, Sunday, night and then, they would leave to Los Angeles. After their kiss, they didn't have that much alone time, Kira was still having classes and her job, but she still managed to be with Drew after those or at night. They were just enjoying each other's company and just appreciating what they had at the moment, no pressure on them.

Leo didn't talk to her for a few days, but she still sent him a message to apologize for their past relationship and for him to know that she was still his friend. She didn't want to be on his bad side, because after all, he was hurt, she understood that. He managed to sent her a message apologizing too, but that he wanted some space and she agreed of course. Kira also talked to Matthew yesterday, apologizing for giving him false hope for something she wasn't ready for, which he dismissed saying he understood and he was happy for her - she also tried to give his hat back but he refused, saying it looked better on her.

So now, fast foward to the weekend, Kira was finally alone with Drew. Away from all the stares, the people, no one to tell her what to do. She could finally breathe again, finally be with him with no one interrupting them. She was currently studying a bit for her exam on the following Tuesday, while she was waiting for Drew to be back from his grocery shopping.

"Honey, I'm home!" 

Lost in her thoughts, she failed to see Drew getting inside of their Air bnb, with two full bags of groceries. She snorted upon seeing him struggling to put those on the kitchen island.

"Remind me how long are we going to be here, again?" 

Kira put away her laptop and got up from her place on the couch, going to help Drew sort out the groceries. He smiled at her, grabbing her from the back of the head, giving a forehead kiss afterwards.

"We have to be well fed. Better have more than have less." 

"Whatever you say big buy."

Drew laughed and both started to put away the food on their respective places. 

"How's your studying?" he asked.

"It's fine, the worst part of this course is already over. This is just an individual knowledge of the things we did."

Drew looked at her, smirking. "And you're gonna nail it."

She smiled. "Of course I am."

After sorting everything into their places, Drew decided to grab some things to make some pancakes for their breakfast. Kira insisted on helping but he refused saying for her to take this extra time and study a bit more. She joked saying she was worse than her Dad, which Drew responded with an eye roll. And so, she continued to study while Drew made their breakfast. 

It felt so good, being like this with him. It felt so natural that Kira almost forgot about the two months that they didn't talk, the worries that got into their minds. They didn't have alone time like this before so now it felt like a fresh start, something that fit into her life. 

"Here it is, the best pancakes of your life!" 

She saw Drew carrying a tray with pancakes and juice towards her, which he placed on the coffee table in front of her. She put her laptop away again and Drew grabbed her legs, placing them on top of his own. 

new year's, drew starkey ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora