New world, same faces

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Y/n Pov

"Look me in the eyes human. This is the last thing you'll ever see, a reminder of your failure"
"No final words? hmph, your choice"
I awoke with a sharp breath, burning my lungs as I sat up. My head pulsed with pain and my body felt weak.
'Am I alive?' I asked myself. A minute ago I was dead. It seemed like an idiotic thought but the constant pulses of pain sobered me up to the idea.
I examined the room I was in with blurry vision. White. Everything was white and the stench of bleach hung in the air, burning my nose lightly. There were a few beds lining the walls of the room, all leading to a door with a desk next to it.
'Am I in a hospital?' I asked myself 'no, it's too quiet.. and too small'
This wasn't the average hospital, things looked more calm.. and proffesional.
"I'm telling you, he's waking up" a distant voice said
"*sigh* Jett he's been here for seventeen days and you've told me this fourteen times in that time span. Just because his eyes twitched doesn't mean he's about to wake up. Injuries like that could keep him down for months" Another voice replied in an exhausted tone.
"Trust me, I just know he's awake this time" the first voice said, a giddiness in her tone.
"And the last thirteen times?"
"Ehrm...... hopefulness?" The first voice asked in a questioning tone, not even believing her own excuse.
These voices sounded familiar to me and considering I don't have many people close to me alive.. this sent warnings signals in my head.
"Really?" The other voice replied, clearly not impressed
"What? Your telling me your not the slightest bit curious about who they are? This is the first person from the mirror world that isn't us or someone that hasn't tried to kill us"
Mirror world? What the hell are they talking about?
"He hasn't tried to kill us because he can't, I don't know if you've noticed but he's currently uncon-" the voice cut off as they entered the room. My eyes widened in suprise and fury at the two who walked through that door.
"Jett.. go get brimstone.. and viper while your at it" the woman said in slight shock. I grit my teeth at the two.
Sage and Jett, two radiants from the uprising. Close friends with their leader and a force to be reckoned with. Also responsible for a huge amount of human deaths. The latter more than the former. Jett left without another word, a giddy smile on her face as she dashed off through the door. It pissed me off to no end.

"Well sir, let's just give you a small checkup and then you can meet with my commander. You had quite a rough fight I presume, though you'll be talking with brim about tha-"
"Get the fuck away from me radiant bitch!" I spat, cutting her off. She tensed slightly in shock and suprise as I glared daggers at her. My anger bubbled over as I tried stand, only to be yanked back to the bed. Glancing to my wrists I realised that I had been cuffed to the steel bars of the bed.
"A precaution on our part, though apparently not without merit judging from your little outburst" she stated, brushing off my glare as she stepped closer. This irritated me more.
"I said back off!" I spat to which she, again, brushed me off.
"Vitals seem normal, are you experiencing any pain or stiffness?" She questioned. Though her tone was curious and sympathetic I knew better than to trust her. I tried to yank the cuffs off the rail but only got a sharp pain in my wrist as a result.
"Look I'm only trying to help you so please cooperate" she stated to which I glared fiercely again.
"I'm not believing that bullshit you monster" I replied, venom filling my tone. Before she could reply a voice cut into the conversation... a voice I thought to be long dead.
"Monster? That's a new one"
My eyes widened as I snapped my head towards the door in shock. Stood before me was three people. Jett, viper and (most importantly) someome i thought to be long dead.. commander brimstone.
"C-commander!... your alive!"
"Yes... though I doubt I'm the brimstone your thinking of" he replied, taking a seat on the bed next to me. Sage stood back, joining Jett and viper behind him.

I furrowed my brow in confusion at brimstones statement.
"What? Commander your not making sense. And what are you doing with these... these things" I asked, getting a glare from the white haired assassin.
"Right now your in a different dimension to your own. Currently, your world is invading ours and stealing our leading power source" he stated. At this my heart dropped and my excitement fizzled out. I slumped down and let out a sigh, leaning my head back onto the comfy pillow.
"Of course... we failed"
"Failed what?" Viper questioned, speaking for the first time since she entered the room.
"I don't have to answer to you" I spat, though my vigor was gone. Instead of being furious I was just.. empty. We had failed. I had failed. Everything we did was for nothing and all I knew was lost.
"What did you fail?" Asked the command- not the commander, this world's brimstone. Even if I knew he wasn't the real commander I couldn't help but respond to him.
"After the radiants revolted and destroyed everything they started to run out of radianite. Converting all the humans to low tier radiants ate at their reserves. In an effort to replenish their radianite they made a plan to open a portal to another world to take theirs. Me and the last few members of the resistance launched an assault on the portal site in an effort to stop it.. though we failed. Whatever radiants we killed three more took their place. Eventually, everyone.. died. The last thing I remember is the queen putting a bullet in my head." I finished my speech, blinking back tears as I reminisced my final memories.

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