Division 2_

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Dominic and I waited for a traffic light change at the major intersection outside of the Helix building. Some compact cars and motorcycles stopped to let us cross. I tapped ash off the end of my cigarette and it blew against the scratchy blue pants I've been wearing for way too long. I was still a little dizzy from the gravity and the smoke in my lungs didn't help. But, somehow, it made me feel normal for a second.

Directly across from extravagant Helix was another extravagant building called The Demi. Of course Dominic owns a hotel. What rich guy doesn't? I knew I hated him when I met him.

"It's late. I will let you stay in my hotel for the night. You will clean yourself up." He said it as if he was doing me a big favor, as if my traveler presence offended him. "And tomorrow you will meet the Kulmarian."

I squinted one eye. "We have names, you know? How would you feel if I called you the Rahvan?" I glared at him. "...If that's what you even are."

He smirked, showing expensive milk white teeth. "You're defending this Kulmarian and you haven't met him yet?" He scoffed. "You'll see tomorrow that he's nothing special. Expendable."

I was defending any species anywhere, not just myself and the Kulmarian traveler. But I wasn't going to push the argument. Dominic Demiani's morals are clouded by wealth and power. I suppressed a cold surge that pulsed through my body when I thought about how I have to work for him.

I stomped out my cigarette outside of Dominic's ridiculous hotel. I only had a few puffs but that's all I needed. Redlex is a little bolder than what we have back home, but I can get used to it.

The Demi was an over-the-top hotel; something you might see on Beshomia Neu for wealthy vacationers. The lobby was a large circle that had an open atrium view probably 70 stories up. Hotel doors circled their way up. It was a miraculous, modern structure with white railings spiraling the hallways to the top floor.

A few white couches sat on the marble floor and surrounded a crystal-clear waterfall in the center of the lobby. The rocky waterfall was two stories tall and clear, sparkling water fell through it gracefully, evoking a serene sense of calmness. The waterfall would look beautiful from any side, as the water seemed to be pumped to the top from the center of the brown and grey rock mountain structure.

Upon closer evaluation, I noticed a plaque stating that the water was imported from Safko Varga 4; the freshest water in the solar system. I imitated what I thought a Rahvan might say upon seeing the spectacle. I made sure Dominic could hear me. "Safkan water. How exotic."

He ignored me.

I began to notice The Demi lobby was full of many strange imported plants and materials, fitting with Dominic's line of work. It would be easy for him to get things from other planets being the owner of the biggest import and export company on Rahv. I saw some plants on the far side near the check-in desks that I've never seen before in my life; not even in books. I did notice a small rolling fieldcress near the elevators against the right wall. The rolling fieldcress is native to Safko Varga 4 and I wondered how they kept it cold enough in this lukewarm lobby for it to stay alive. It still held its poisonous berries on the tips of its spindly brown stems. A small plaque was next to it with its name, origin, and few facts about the plant. All the plants in the lobby had a detailed plaque like a museum. The hotel is an uncomfortable, gaudy tourist attraction.

Our footsteps echoed softly as we traversed the imported-plants lobby to the elevator. I got a closer look at the rolling fieldcress and noticed a control box on the back of the pot. The soil was kept at a low temperature to promote healthy growth.

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