Ch.8 • Year Zero (rewritten)

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Hours later, you initially squinted your eyes open as you woke up and took notice of the morning sunlight that dared to peep through the side of the curtains veiling the bedroom window ; it almost took you a moment to remember where exactly you were until your eyes caught sight of your clothes you'd put on last night, now discarded on the floor on the other side of the room as your body was held closely by a strong, tanned arm . 

Then, your eyes moved to the digital clock sat on the desk in the opposing corner of the bedroom . 09:57 AM . Gosh, you'd never sleep in so late . Carefully, you managed to excuse yourself from the secure grip of your sleeping partner as you exited the duvet and allowed your feet to slip over the side of the matress and onto the softness of the carpet. 

Naked , your first intention was to retrieve your clothes . As you finally pulled your shirt over your head, you heard movement from where you had slept, notifying you that he had just acknowledged the light of day. 

"You got up before me" Jotaro stated, speaking in a husky morning voice as a result of just waking up. 

"Had to grab my clothes" you replied simply, turning around as you were now met by the height of your lover - only wearing sweatpants - stood right infront of you . "Also, we need to get the hell out of this bedroom before everyone wonders why we woke up so late" you added, putting a hand on his bare chest and pushing the delinquent out the way . You made your way to the bed and began to fix the duvet-covers onto the matress.  

"Quit worrying" he said, setting a hand on your shoulder. "My entire family loves you.  Now hurry up so we can take a shower."  


It was not sexual, but the shower feltamazing. Jotaro had gotten out the shower earlier than you to give you some privacy . After wrapping a large , white towel around his waist and exited the bathroom , Jotaro began to make his way to his room when he happened to cross paths with his grandfather, already dressed for daytime.  

"Papa" Holly later said, setting the last bowls and plates down on the table. "Can you tell Jotaro and my future daughter-in-law that we're about to get started on breakfast ?" 

"They should be here soon" Joseph replied. "They took a shower ten to fifteen minutes ago." 

"Together ?" Holly asked. 

"Yes ." 

"Oh my !" Suzie-Q replied.

"After hearing Jotaro and Y/n having the time of their lives, I'm not the smallest bit surprised. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to let those two sleep in the same room ?"

"They woke you and Holly up too ?" Joseph asked.

"So they woke everyone up ?"

"Well !"

"Let him live !" Suzie reprimanded her husband and son-in-law. "Jotaro is a good-looking young man with a beautiful girlfriend. What do you expect them to do ? Play poker ?"

"Jotaro is quite good at poker" Joseph said.

"Poker ?" Sadao asked. 

"A game created in America in the 1800s, based on the game Poque, which was brought to New Orleans by French traders and sailors" Joseph explained. "Also, there was the British game called Brag, a derivative of a German popular bluffing game that was imported to America by merchants and colonists -"

"We're here" they all heard Jotaro say as the door slid open, revealing you and your lover as you both entered the dining room . Jotaro's face was slightly pink and his dark hair was a bit tousled. Joseph noticed that his grandson had a new hickey - this time on his collar - one that was not there when he saw Jotaro after the shower . Joseph smiled.

"Great ! Now the whole family is here !" Holly cheered .

Breakfast with the Joestar-Kujo family tasted more than amazing . You and Jotaro took seats next to each other, with Holly and Joseph sat opposite ends of the dining-room table next to their respective spouses while you sat opposite Suzie and Jotaro sat opposite his father, Sadao Kujo the Jazz musician. The older adults in the room made conversation with you, while 18-year-old Jotaro was content with simply eating his breakfast.

"So, Y/n, how was Disneyland?" Sadao asked casually. "Did you and your friends have fun?"

"Yeah" you replied, almost about to take some more rice onto your chopsticks before he spoke to you . "It was great , we had loads of fun ."

"Oh, Y/n" Holly said fondly, turning to you. "I was wondering, would you like me to teach you how to make Jotaro's favourite food for dinner ?"

"Grilled mackerel in teriyaki sauce ? He talks about it in his sleep" you replied wittingly , which earnt laughter from Joseph, Holly, Sadao and Suzie .

Fast-forward to six o'clock in evening, you and Holly – both wearing aprons - were almost finished cooking dinner. Holly turned to you , placing her hands on your shoulders. "You did an awesome job ! You basically needed no help ! I am so proud of you."

"Thanks" you smiled meekly, feeling your cheeks heat up a little.

"I know Jotaro will be more than grateful" Holly continued . "Even if he doesn't say it out loud . Now, I've been meaning to speak to you, but I wanted to wait until we were both alone" Holly began .

You gasped, feeling your whole head heat up in embarassment as your heart rate spiked immediately . "Um, if this is about what Jojo and I were doing at , uh, three in the morning-"

The American woman laughed , affirming her hands on your shoulders . "Nobody is upset, Y/n. We all know you both find eachother incredibly attractive, that is definitely no secret. I trust you two. If there is anything you ever want to talk about, just give me a shout, okay ?"

"Yes, Holly" you replied obediently, awkwardly shifting your eyes to your feet.

"Okay, great !" the blonde woman exclaimed. "Now we've got all the serious stuff out of the way, would you mind setting the table while I call everyone ?" 

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