Chapter Four

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I head toward Fumino's Tofu at dusk, wrestling with the rash bargain I've made. Turning it over and over again in my head.

Am I really going to do this?

Am I really going on a date with a kitsune?

And most importantly: Did he really eat hearts? Or was he framed?

I stop just short of my destination and lean against the side of the building. It's a beautiful night out, a bit chilly but not too cold.

A perfect night for a date with the local folk legend.

I let my head fall against the building as I watch the sakura blossoms gently dancing in the soft breeze.

Am I really going to do this?

I pull the golden bell from my pocket.

Did Gran know what she had all those years this was hanging in our home?

I look down at it as I run the red and white braided cord between my fingers.

And if Kazumi really ate people's hearts why would his favorite food be tofu?

Yes...or no? Which is it going to be?

I cup my hands over the bell and bring it up to my lips as I whisper, "Kazumi."

And nothing happens.

Maybe he was...lying? But he seemed so genuinely excited about the tofu.

And just as I'm lowering my hands back to my sides, the bell jingles. And out of nowhere, a strong breeze rushes down the street, bringing with it the scent of sakura blossoms and wisteria and causing every bell and chime from all around to ring in a cascade of sound.


I seek him out in every shadow but find nothing.

Am I just fooling myself?

Someone touches my arm and I whirl around.


"Hey Hiko, what you hanging around out here for? You waiting for an order?"

It's not him. It's Shō.

I try not to feel disappointed, but I am.

" actually I'm waiting for a date."

"You're bringing a date here?" He leans past me with a grimace. "Yikes, dude. I hate to say it but your lady friend's gonna be a no-show."

"Uh..." Crap. I love Shō to death but he has to be the only one in school who doesn't believe any of the rumors about me. Even the ones that are true.

"Yeah...Shō, my date's a guy."

His brow shoots up. "Oh..."

"And he's the one who wanted fried tofu."

My friend just stares at me.

"Shō, say something."

"Did you really bang Haruto in the locker room?"

"Really? That's the first thing you ask me?"

Shō shrugs. "Well—"

"Excuse me, do they offer fried tofu here?" I hear an alluring voice ask from around the corner and I all but shove Shō out of the way.

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