stanley ipkiss x reader (the mask)

73 4 1

requested: yes, by Phantom_Clown <3

sorry for making the reader neurodivergent-coded i didnt mean to i swear...


When you had first started working at Edge City Savings, things had seemed bland- boring, even. You rarely conversed with your coworkers, strategically planning ways around having to interact with any of your peers.

What could you say, you were antisocial. Making halfhearted plans with 'friends' only to cancel last minute, finding half-assed excuses as to why you couldn't go to the fifth engagement party or baby shower in a row- these were your most refined skills.

These skills, of course, extended to your coworkers. Get-togethers, promotion parties, all the works. You found them to be simple and shallow pleasantries. Make faux promises but never RSVP, your life motto.

To be quite honest, you held a certain disdain for all of your coworkers. They were corrupt, face-value, backstabbing perverts. The one time you had dared to put your trust in a peer, some woman whose name you didn't care to retain, had embarrassed you in front of everybody ever incessantly begging you to come to a company party. She had told you it was a costume party, so of course, you dressed as immaturely and over-the-top as you wanted.

Let's just say that an extravagant cosplay of your childhood fictional crush didn't necessarily blend in with the slutty, chip-n-dale dancer nature of the party.

Though, despite your coworkers' various faults and shortcomings, you always had slightly less distaste in regards to one man in particular.

Stanley Ipkiss. With a last name you had mentally poked fun at for ages, you realized he wasn't necessarily as twisted and perverted as any of the other citizens of Edge City.

It all started when he had approached you that night at the costume party. He wore a half-hearted costume, just some callback to a cartoon character you were sure was relevant some forty years ago, as you stood there in your embarrassingly gaudy display.

"I like your costume," he chirped. You glowered in response, but upon laying eyes on his smile, you could immediately tell it was genuine.

"Oh. Thank you." Your tone was straight-to-the-point; there was no other way to be in your opinion. You always held that honesty was best, even if at the expense of others.

Stanley shifted uncomfortably, a drink in his right hand. You leered at it for a moment, not noticing the way the man's skin turned redder under your bored gaze.

"I suppose you're here with somebody," you deduced. Stanley straightened up, almost sploshing some of the liquid out of the cup.

"Well, yes, I mean... h-how could you tell?" He replied sheepishly, fidgetting with his shirt. You pointed to the cup he held, as though it was obvious.

"Clearly, you aren't drinking water. And I already checked all of the refreshments in this place- anything that isn't water reeks of alcohol. You can't drive yourself home after drinking that. Simply put, you would wreck and die." Your blunt delivery threw your coworker off.

"But, I mean... yes, you are right. I-I'm here with Maggie, heh... she's really swell, I mean... can you believe she said yes to coming here with me? I mean, only under the condition that she could bring a plus-one, of course! But he's pretty great too, heh!" Stanley's smile stretched across the majority of his face. You bit your tongue, wanting to point out how obviously the woman he had fallen head over heels for probably left him to go make out with her 'plus one' in the bathroom.

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