Ch- 29 Take a rain check?

281 18 5

here we go again fellas

Seraphinas POV


Slippers squeak on cold tiles as I slug towards the door

I lean onto my bedroom door quietly.. wavering in my choices, wondering if I'm ready to face everything I've learnt, was it a mistake to learn it in the first place? should I have just..

I take a deep breath inwards and pluck up the courage to swing the door open before I can let my thoughts eat me anymore, Its too late to have regrets, I knew this when I encroached into places where I shouldn't have gone, I've crossed too many boundaries to turn back. I instantly get hit with a hot summer breeze that could borderline as steam, my eye sight adjusts and I'm welcomed by a soft light, peaking through the silk curtains and slightly raised blinds

My dorm..

I sigh and smile crookedly


I look across the room to see Bert, fumbling towards me sleepily and furling around my legs, purring softly

"Awake so early?" I mumble softly

My eyes peruse the room for a bit, trying to spot out a certain blue haired girl, though she's probably not be awake yet. not that I blame her though, its still way too early to get anything done, the sun is barely up


"Maybe I got too excited.." I ponder

I space out a bit more before diverting my attention to my phone notifictions, A small part of me hoping its John

Ah it's Cla--


Bert.. probably getting sick of my lack of action and the empty food bowl, pushes the back of my leg and nibbles at my ankle "Alright, alright, lets get you something to eat.." I smile and scoop him off the tiles. Hes a good distraction when things get too complicated, "Maybe finding you in those bushes was fate, huh Bert?" I coo into his fur

Ill reply to her later..

Bert is currently top priority



On second thought.. maybe a bath is top priority


Famil bondung 🏡

Cecile--the real shi TM (muted)
*Remi-- Princeachu
*Elaine-- Princess helth
John-- Premium dumbass
Evie -- Ultimate bean



Princeachu: Morninggggg!!

Idiot: Mornin rats

Idiotx2: *inaudible rat noises*

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