Chapter Fifteen

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Bailey sat on the balcony of what was her premarital room. She wasn't too impressed at being forced into marriage and wanted to so badly tell Bes where to go and how to get there. She shook her head, normally she would have fought back, but she knew that she had changed since being there. Perhaps not by much, and she'd never admit it aloud, but Bailey knew it and she hated it.

Her attention was drawn to the bustling and seemingly happy streets of the Kingdom. Would they be happy if they knew what took place beyond the palace walls? Would they be laughing if they were in her situation? She pursed her lips at the thought. Probably not. They weren't from her time and could truly comprehend the fact that woman actually had power. She closed her eyes, listening to the laughter that made its way up to where she was.

She smiled for a moment but then sighed. What she wouldn't give to be able to go out and look around the city for a bit. She bit her bottom lip in consideration. Feeling that Bes would not allow her to do without and escort. She felt a little rebellion rising up in her, because then again, she could always sneak out.

The more she thought about it the more she wanted to go out on her own. And the more she wanted to the more she was willing to sneak out without Bes knowing.

And boy did that bastard really deserve it.

After a few moments of internal debate, Bailey finally decided she was going to sneak out, to get away, just for a little while, even though she couldn't shake off the bad feeling that was now rising within her. And even with that feeling she felt excitement at the very thought of doing this without anyone knowing. Oh, she was a rebel alright.

Walking over to her bed, she found the simple, yet elegant dress that her maids had left out for her. Her hand touched the material and she smiled. It felt as soft as silk and was practically see-through. And, even though she didn't like that, she knew she had to blend in. She rolled her eyes. Even with the dress blending in was going to be hard. Her hair style was different than what was worn in Ancient Egypt, so how was she to explain that? She supposed she could always say that the Gods allowed her to have her hair like it was.

She cringed. She hated lying to people, but if it was to keep who she was a secret she would. She didn't need any outsiders knowing where she was from or that she didn't truly belong. The only ones who were allowed to know were the people at the palace.

In one swift movement she took off her spaghetti strap dress, that she'd unknowingly packed and placed it on her bed, before picking up the other dress. Bailey knew she had to fold it in a couple of places so that it'd stay in place. She wracked her brain, trying to

remember how they did it, and growled in frustration when she could only vaguely remember.

Yeah, she mused. She wished now that she paid more attention in class than what she had. Maybe then she'd be able to remember such a simple task.

Bailey's thoughts turned to her own personal maids, Amunet and Malinua, considering asking for help, but it would be suspicious. Well, that idea went down the drain. Knowing her luck they would be questioned on her whereabouts and possibly punished for not giving information. No. She didn't want that. Bailey focused her attention to the task at hand and eventually made it so that it would be wearable.

She silently giggled in glee as she studied her handiwork. She felt pretty damned proud of herself. Quickly she placed the fabric over her head and allowed it to flow to the floor. She loved the feel of it and it was nice and light in the scorching Egyptian heat.

Now she was ready to explore what would eventually be her kingdom. Her kingdom. Now that was an idea she never would have fathomed. She was to become a Pharaoh's wife. She wondered why. She wasn't anything special, albeit being from the future, and she thought maybe that's why Bes was forcing her to marry him, because there was no one else like her in the world.

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