✧*̥˚ Check-list *̥˚✧

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The next morning, I woke up on the couch feeling stiff and uncomfortable. I rub my eyes and yawn before sitting up and rubbing my sore neck and back. I'm not sure I could sleep on this couch another night.

I shutter when I think about last night. I can't believe Joel caught me watching him undress. That was smooth of you, Kes. Good job making a complete ass out of yourself the first day here. In front of your hot neighbor, no less.

I stand up and make my way to the kitchen, where I open a box labeled 'coffee machine' and unpack my Ninja Coffee Bar and some dark roasted coffee. I quickly set up the machine and put some coffee on to brew. I look around at the mound of boxes and sigh. I'm going to need a lot of coffee.

As I wait for my morning drink to finish brewing, I'm caught off guard by a whirring noise out back. I peek through the curtains to see a portion of my neighbor Joel's backyard, where he seems to be building something. I see a workbench with all kinds of power tools, most of which I could never identify if my life depended on it. Note to self: Joel is a handyman.

Joel is shirtless, wearing a pair of jeans, heavy work books, a toolbelt, safety glasses, and a pencil behind his ear. Damn, I can't help but wonder what it'd be like to get stepped on by those boots....

Christ, Kes. It's too early to be thinking weird kinky shit. I shake my head, clearing those nasty thoughts. But, the longer I watch him, the more I notice all the things that are just.... hard for a touch-deprived woman to ignore.

The hot Texas air beats down on his olive skin, which glistens with sweat. His broad shoulders and muscular back are working overtime as he measures, drills, and saws pieces of wood. What in the world is he making?

My thoughts are interrupted as the siren song of my coffee pot alerts me that my brew is complete. Probably for the best, I shouldn't be creeping on my neighbor, especially after last night. I never learn my lessons, apparently.


After I drink my coffee, I come up with a list of things I need to accomplish today:

• Go to the grocery store for dinner supplies

• Shop for a bed and mattress

• Buy curtains!

• Unpack some boxes

• Masturbate

Okay, that last one was just a joke.... kind of. I wrote it down to be funny, but I fully intended to check it off my list. I was stressed as fuck and I obviously needed a release since I cannot seem to quit leering at my sexy neighbor with hard-core daddy vibes. Guess I'm going to have the most organized orgasm I've ever had in my life.

I dig through some boxes of clothes until I find my desired outfit. I slipped on a pair of cheeky high-waisted denim shorts, a simple black and lacy bralette layered underneath a long-sleeve mesh shirt. Finally, I slipped on a pair of jewel-embellished creepers to complete my look. I tried my best to tame my unruly brunette hair, but I forgot to brush it out after my bath last night. It would have to do.

Next, I applied some winged eyeliner to my lids and put on a fresh coat of mascara. I snapped a thin leather collar around my neck and checked myself out in the mirror. I guess I'm going baby girl kitten vibes today.

I grab my list, phone, and keys before heading out the door. I lock my front door and turn around, only to run into something hard.

"Oof-" I say as I look up right into Joel's eyes. He has put a shirt on since I last saw him, thankfully, but he still caused my breath to hitch in my throat.

"Oh, h-hi Mr. Miller. I was just on my way out to-"

He quickly interjects, "Please, call me Joel."

I look up at him while I fidget with my keys, "Oh, okay Joel. I-I was just on my way to run a few errands. Did you need something?" God, I hope he didn't try to confront me about last night...

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