Chapter 43: The new wife

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Ashley's POV

I nearly choked on my breath after Tristan's grandfather made the announcement.

By the looks of it, I wasn't the only one who was taken by surprise.

Tristan's eyes widened; Nicole spat the liquor back into her glass on the verge of choking.

Wife? What had I just heard?

Wasn't Madison trying to get Tristan to marry her not too long ago and now she was all of a sudden married to his grandfather?Had I missed something?

This had to be a joke. With the sinister look on his grandfather's face, we all waited for the moment he'd say 'I'm just kidding' so we could start breathing again, but that never happened.

Instead, she appeared more confident and proud, placing her hand on his shoulder to review the huge rock on her finger. This was really happening.

That immediately ruled out all theories I had formulated about her crashing the party. Finding out that she and Tristan had reconciledand invited her would have been a better alternative than this.

I still don't know what could have happened between Tristan and Madison, but he was never escapingher now.

Tristan was the first to say the one thing we had all been thinking. "You've got to be kidding me," he spat bitterly. He looked at the two of them in disgust. This only provoked Madison to wrap her hand around his grandfather's arm, a huge grin on her face.

"The two of us are very happy. I'd appreciate it if you fall in line." His grandfather answered. It didn't sound like a suggestion or even a request, something I've figured that they are very good at doing in their family. "Besides, you shouldn't get me started on all the things you should have gotten rid of long ago." He directed at me.

"She is old enough to be your granddaughter. Aren't you disgusted with yourself?" Nicole asked.

The comment didn't seem to affect Madison or their grandfather.

This conversation sounded like a private family moment. I probably had no business being here. It was best I slipped away and stayed away from all of this as far as possible.

"I don't care about whatever relationship the two of you have but she is leaving. I want her to leave my establishment." Tristan demanded.

"If you kick my wife out, you'll have to kick me out as well," his grandfather responded.

"Even better," Tristan replied, crossing his arms.

"You are willing to kick your own poor grandfather out?" He answered.

"You are not exactly poor now, are you? We all know she wouldn't have married you otherwise," Tristan answered.

"You should show us both respect," Madison interjected. "Now, I know it's a bit too soon and grandma makes me feel old and sounds old-fashioned. How about you call me Nana?" She smirked.

She was trying to provoke him, and sure enough, Tristan reacted.

Tristan now seemed more annoyed. He looked like he was ready to kick her out himself. This wasn't the time or place to start a fight. In any other situation, I would have been fine with seeing Tristan kick her out himself but this was not the place.

I wrapped my arm around Tristan's. He relaxed slowly, and his grip on my hand tightened.

I bet it's hard enough when your parents get married to someone your age, but even worse if it's your grandparent.

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