Chapter 6.

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After I had passed out from hyperventilating it hadn't taken me long to regain consciousness but when I had Collen was on the phone, arranging for a police officer to watch the apartment while he moved me to a different location. My head felt like it had been split open in several different places as when I tried to sit up the room spun.

When Collen had noticed me sitting up he ended his conversation and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Slowly now", Collen said, helping me sit up.

"This week had been an absolute disaster", I said, running my fingers through my hair, careful of my stitches.

"On the bright side, it's almost over. O'Brien recieved an update on your visa and it looks like we'll be on a plane by Tuesday", he said, showing me the email.

"Yay", I said, feeling some relief from that.

"We can load all your things into the cars and head down to the hotel O'Brien and I are staying at. I've called ahead and booked you a room. Do you think you'll be able to drive?"

I took a deep breath, the pain behind my left eye going away somewhat. "I think I'll manage".

Collen let me pack the rest of my things into the 2 suitcases I had gotten for my trip while he loaded the 3 boxes with the rest of my things into the car. He also emptied the fridge, taking what little food that was in there and putting it into Sabrina's picnic basket.

He moved with such efficiency for someone so big. He didn't trip over his feet, even though he was in a hurry, he didn't drop anything even though he was carrying so much and he moved so quietly as I hadn't noticed him coming back in a few times as things just disappeared while I wasn't looking.

With all my clothing and shoes loaded into my suitcases and myself appropriately dressed for the cold weather outside we were ready to go. Collen even managed to get a few plywood boards from Mr. Hoffman and nailed them into the frames until we could get the windows fixed.

We were out the door within half an hour and on our way to Collen's hotel. I drove ahead of him so he could make sure I was within his sight and he knew I was fine.

Once we were off the main street and on the highway I called him.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just feel weird. I figured talking to you would make me feel less uncomfortable".

"I understand. Anyone would feel uncomfortable with someone following them".

"That's not why I feel weird actually, if anything I'm more comfortable with you following me. I just figured when I got kicked out that would be the end of my relationship with my parents. I didn't think whatever it was that was going on with them would manifest into this".

"You're confused about what's going on with them".

"Yes. I just don't understand why they would do all this. I've worked and made my own money since I was 14, which never bothered them. I bought whatever it was I needed and wanted and they took what they wanted, yet I never made a fuss about it because what could I do about it? The only time they were ever involved in my life was when they stole from me and I never involved myself in their lives".

"You let them be".

"Exactly and now, all of a sudden I'm a whore, and Patrick and I are the bain of their existence", I said, taking the exit that led to the hotel.

"Maybe the money they got from selling your things was what was funding their addictions", Collen said as I let him pass me to show me where I needed to park.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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