Fake Vent Script : Two Birds on a Wire

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[Me] Marigold (Young) - A brown and white spotted female cat.
[Fake Name] Bee (Young) - A sandy-colored tabby female cat.
[Me] Marigold - A brown female-transmale cat with blue and pink accents and white freckles.
[Fake Name] Bee - A sandy female cat with black stripes.
[Fake Name] Carnation - A brown trans male cat.
[Fake Name] Sunflower - A yellow cat with yellow feathered wings.

Flower Meanings


"Two birds on a wire"
Marigold and Bee sit on a bus seat together. Bee is in the foreground, excitedly talking. At "On a wire" Bee becomes unfocused and the focus is put onto Marigold, who lets out a small smile from behind her book.

"One tries to fly away"
Bee stands facing Marigold, they both look sad. At "away" the POV changes so that we are looking at Bee face on and see three figures standing behind her.

"And the other watches him close from that wire."
Tears form at the corners of Marigold's eyes as everything around her fades. There is now a limp white string hanging from her collar.

"He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar."
Marigold looks at the ground. At "but he is a liar" she looks away and closes her eyes.

"I'll believe it all. There's nothing I won't understand."
The borders fade into white as Marigold's memories flash on screen one right after the other: Marigold and Bee walking together, Marigold freaking out as Bee throws glitter everywhere, Bee and Marigold eating on the floor, Bee and Marigold jumping on a trampoline together, Bee and Marigold laughing together, Bee taking Marigold's book and holding it where she can't reach playfully, Marigold handing Bee a book, Marigold and Bee reading together while chatting happily.

"I'll believe it all. I won't let go of your hand."
Marigold opens her eyes. She looks different, a bit older. The string is lifted now, no longer limp. At "I won't let go of your hand" the POV pans out to reveal an older Bee, holding out her paw. The other end of the string is connected to her collar. At the instrumental Marigold takes Bee's paw and follows her.

"Two birds on a wire."
Marigold and Bee arrive at a desert. They stand on a hill and smile at each other.

"One says 'Come on!'"
Bee sees something in the distance. Her smile widens as she runs down the hill towards a new cat, Carnation.

"And the other says 'I'm tired.'"
Marigold looks worried, but slowly follows Bee down the hill.

"The sky is overcast and I'm sorry."
Marigold crouched behind Bee as Bee and Carnation speak. Marigold slowly gets up to sit next to Bee.

"One more or one less, nobody's worried."
The frame flashes between the previous frame and a new frame that has a string connecting Carnation and Marigold's collars. At "nobody's worried" Marigold looks down at the string worriedly, but Carnation doesn't seem to notice it.

"I'll believe it all, there's nothing I won't understand."
Carnation mouths these lyrics to Marigold. Marigold smiles.

"I'll believe it all, I won't let go of your hand."
Marigold, Bee, and Carnation are on top of a grassy mountain/hill together. There are flowers everywhere and the wind is ruffling their fur. All three look happy. At "I won't let go of your hand" the POV zooms into Marigold, who mouths the lyrics.

As the instrumental plays scenes flash onto the screen: Marigold building a house, Marigold and Bee running through a field playing, Carnation giving Marigold a bouquet of flowers, Bee, Carnation, and Marigold playfully arguing, Marigold setting up a lot of pride flags and showing them off proudly, Marigold showing Carnation an office building she built, Sunflower and Bee joking together. Finally, Bee and Sunflower see Marigold's office building in the distance on a hill and look at each other mischievously.

"Two two birds of a feather"
Marigold stands in front of a very tall building, which makes her look extremely small. The POV changes so that you can see Marigold's face, which has tears running down her cheeks.

"Say that they're always gunna stay together."
The POV turns around to reveal Sunflower and Bee talking and playing.

"But one's never going to let go of that wire."
Marigold pulls on the string, yanking Bee back. Carnation comes up behind Marigold.

"He says that he will, but he's just a liar."
Carnation stands close to Marigold and says something, looking worried. Marigold leans against Carnation.

"Two birds on a wire."
The POV zooms out as Marigold crumbles to the ground next to Carnation, who lays down beside her.

"One tries to fly away"
Marigold and Carnation are laying on the ground together as they watch Bee and Sunflower walk away.

"And the other watches him close from that wire."
A few scenes flash on the screen of Carnation going about his daily life while Marigold follows behind silently, looking sad.

"He says he wants to as well,"
Marigold smiles at Carnation in an attempt to not let him be worried for her.

"But he is a liar."
The second Carnation turns away Marigold looks sad again. Her face gets blacked out and the words "liar" appear over her eyes.

Scenes flash on the screen: Bee Carnation and Marigold playing together with Marigold looking distracted, Bee joking with a sad Marigold, Marigold's eyes watering as Bee walks away, Bee building a treehouse as Marigold shouts angrily from the ground, Bee and Marigold arguing with Bee looking confused and Marigold looking furious and betrayed, A figure stepping between them to break up the fight, Marigold giving Bee the silent treatment when she tries to make up. Finally, things seem to get better as Bee comforts Marigold and Carnation joins them.

"Two birds on a wire."
Marigold and Bee watch Carnation as he smiles solemnly and walks away.

"One tries to fly away,"
Marigold opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. She looks at Bee, who just looks sad.

"and the other..."
Bee and Marigold are alone again. They sit together sadly comforting each other as the frame switches back to when they were younger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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