There's gonna be a wedding

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Later that morning.

I was woken up by our helper Aunty Nadda and she helped me out of bed and was talking to me for a while as she did my hair and later asked me to get ready to come downstairs to have breakfast.

It was already 9am in the morning since the incident and I kind of felt better than before.

I still had the Don on my mind cos of what he did for me,buh I just shrugged it of with the excuse that he would have done it for anyone if he was trying to impress others and didn't care about me.

I got out of the bed as now the drips were of me .

I headed to my washroom to take a bath which took me a total of 20minutes.

I got out ,cleaned my self and did my daily facial cleansing.

I wasn't feeling like doing makeup today so I didn't especially since I also didn't have the energy for it .

I got out of my washroom and went to my walk in closet to put some lotion,deodorant and perfume on so that I could feel fresh and also smell good.

I put on my bra then an oversized top with short jeans shorts and my cozy furry slides.

I undid the messy hair bun Aunty Nadda had done for me and let my curly hair come down in an afro and pulled on it a while to give me the look I wanted.

I remembered that I needed to check my phone to see if I had received any calls from Kay to make sure she was okay even though I vividly remember dropping her off.

I'm really overprotective of her and she's always complaining about it,but I just love her that's all <3.

I stepped out of my closet and looked around and realized that I probably left it in my car so I looked around for my keys and realized that they were also not there.

I finally stepped out of my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen as I was hearing my brothers talking and eating,so I decided to ask them if they knew where my keys were.

As I was nearing the kitchen I could here my mom laughing so loudly and so fake and I could tell she was trying to impress someone but who?.

I heard a familiar but not too familiar deep male voice follow after and crack another joke.

I could just tell that it wasn't my dada cos he didn't sound like that.

I slowly enter the kitchen and notice my brothers first so I ran up to them and jump on them causing them to all fake hurt making me laugh like crazy and snort.

I hear a chuckle followed by someone calling my laugh "cute".

I follow the laugh and trace it to the kitchen island.

It was the Don??!He was still here?!? What was he still doing here?!!

I glare at him then my mother before I got up from my brothers and they could tell that the happiness I had not long ago was now gone and I looked as if I had seen a ghost.

I became so cold at the sight of him cos I really wanted him to loose all interests that is if he ever had some.

I ignored the two people who wanted to turn my life upside down at the kitchen island and turned to my brothers.

" Ummm..." I began " Do y'all know where my keys are?? cos I can't find it" I asked and they looked at each other before shaking their heads "No".

I was about to head out of the Kitchen to ask the guards then I hear a sound of clacking keys and turn my head to see the Don holding up my keys I go towards him and try to snatch it but he pulled it in quicker than I could take it and said,

"Can't you say please or thank you??" He said with a smug and I so wanted to wipe it of his face but before I could reply back my mother narrowed her eyes at me and said,

"Chi,Manners" I rolled my eyes and spoke up

"You know what,if you like my keys so much you can keep them I just remembered that I have a spare I'll get that one instead" I said and stepped out of the Kitchen and headed to my Dada's office cos that's where I kept all the spare keys I had.

I stepped into the office and noticed that he wasn't around so this got me thinking of where he could be.

I headed to his desk,opened the right bottom drawer and retrieved my spare keys.

I went out of the office and made my way to the front of the house were my car was packed and opened it.

I searched infront but I couldn't find it then I later on discovered it under one of the seats and I picked it up.

It was at a decent battery health so I decided to use it for a while.

I went back inside and to the kitchen to eat cos boy, I was hungryyy.

I opened my phone and receive 10 messages all from Kay and I replied to let her know that I was fine seeing as most of them were her being concerned and scared as to whether I reached home safely.

I entered the kitchen back and sat with my brothers,this time totally ignoring the two people sitting at the kitchen island.

I grabbed a plate and took some of the food set on the table.

I grabbed myself some pancakes,bacon and eggs and a pine-orange juice and began to munch on it.

The food was soo good that I could not keep my moan so I let it out and my brothers started to laugh at my reaction and I couldn't help but laugh too.

I decided to go on Instagram and scroll through to kill some time.

As I was going through it I saw a wedding invitation and when I looked closer I realized that it was one of my high school close friends and I couldn't contain my joy for her that I got out of my chair and shrieked at the good news.

The guys and the other two there with us were surprised at my sudden joy and asked what was going on.

And all I said was " there's gonna be a wedding soon!!" I guessed they thought I was talking about mine cos my brother frowned and the other two were...confused??

I handed the phone to Derick so he could see what I was talking about and when he realized he also shot up with excitement and said,

" Maddy is getting married!!!" All the guys then realized who I was referring to and all got up and rejoiced with me.

We all knew her cos she became kind of a family friend and with what her ex did to her we were super happy for her cos she really deserves the world.

When the other two realized they both looked unhappy and frowned at who I actually meant.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter and seee you in the next one.

Don't forget to like,share,comment and vote for my story.

Love you munchkins🥰🌹

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