Chapter 9: A Dead End

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(3rd Person's POV)

In the middle of the darkest night, where the only source of light was the moon, Jeff snuck into Jenny's house successfully through her window.

Jenny, on the other hand, was asleep. But when she heard a thumping sound, she woke up and looked around her room, but saw no one. Her room was completely dark.

"Huh? I swear I heard something...Could it be my imagination?" she thought, then shrugged it off and laid back down to sleep.

Suddenly, she heard some shuffling, which alarmed her immediately. Jenny quickly sat up and met with a smiling killer hovering on top of her. Her eyes went wide and was so afraid she couldn't move a muscle.

"" Jeff whispered.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH-..." Jenny let out a loud scream but was soon cut off by Jeff slitting her throat, letting his victim choke on her own blood.

Jenny fell of the bed, holding her neck with one hand while the other she used to crawl as far away from Jeff as possible!

But the blood was pouring too much...

It covered her rooms floor...

Jeff's menacing laughter echoed in Jenny's ear as she was crying and spitting a waterfall of blood! As Jenny made it to her room's door to open it, Jeff stepped on her back aggressively, causing the victim to smash her face on the door, with blood splashing on it.

Jeff started stabbing Jenny's back, and dragged the knife on her back, leaving a huge gash as a river of blood came out of her.

And that's when Jenny stopped moving...

Jeff took some of Jenny's blood and wrote his catch phrase on the wall. As soon as he was done, police sirens were heard rushing to Jenny's house. Somebody heard Jenny's screaming before he killed her.

Jeff immediately opened the window again, leaving the house.

And disappeared into the night...


The next day...

Mrs. Baker, the manager of the asylum, called you this morning and said that you're allowed a week off to rest after the death of Sofia, which still pains you.

Meanwhile, Jeff returned late from his killing spree while covered in blood. It completely disgusted you. His clothes had always been stained with blood, but it also looks like it's getting really worn out and about rip at any moment.

The clock was ticking slowly, it was only 10:00am, but you were feeling bored. And you couldn't stop thinking about Sofia and the Slenderman.

"Oh, my head hurts! I feel suffocated...Maybe taking a walk or something will help. I need some fresh air, anyways" you thought, getting up from your bed and started changing.

Once you were done, you grabbed your bag and came out of your room.

"Hm? Where are you going?" Jeff asked.

"I just need some fresh air. You need anything?" you said, Jeff shrugged and shook his head.

You forced a smile, and waved goodbye before leaving. The sun was shining brightly and happily in the sky, the sweet sounds of singing birds on trees, tiny squirrels running around, and the gentle breeze making your hair slightly flow.

Inhaling the fresh air into your lungs, and let out all the poisonous emotions, an actual small smile curled up on your lips.

Perhaps this week off won't be such a bad idea after all...

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