- When they reject you -

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- Micheal Kaiser

- Alexis Ness

- Aiku Oliver

- Chigiri Hyoma

A quick heads up but Kaiser and Aiku's will be a bit different from the other two, in case it might confuse anyone.

Word Count = 2651

Micheal Kaiser

If there was anything in this world you would consider yourself lucky-it would be being the manager for Bastard München. You weren't interested into becoming a manager at first but Noel Noa, who you knew for quite some time now (could be considered as friends) convinced you otherwise.

So here you are.

But there was a specific German player that really caught your eyes. Micheal Kaiser.

But what made you attracted to him? Was it that cocky, egoistic personality or his undeniably alluring looks? Either way you somehow had fallen for the German Prodigy-hard as well.

Even Noel could tell that your eyes was set on Kaiser throughout the whole practice but made no comment about it, it wasn't his business after all.

"Here! You were amazing as always." You handed the taller striker a neatly folded towel and a nice cool water bottle. Kaiser took the items before wiping the sweat off his face. "Thanks [ First name ]! This is why you're my favourite." He smirked before patting you on the head.

You could have sworn you almost died on the spot. The effect this man had on you was indescribable.


Even when practice resume after break, the only thing that you could think of was Kaiser's words. Eventually Noel snapped you out of it and got you to focus to study each player.

Though there were times you thought to yourself if it's wrong to harbour these kinds of feeling towards Kaiser.

- After Practice -

After you and Noel had discussed a few things about what each players need to improve, the white haired man thanked you and bid you goodbye before going seperate ways. It just so happens you passed by the male locker room but you weren't really the type to eavesdrops conversation.

Until a question had really piqued your attention.

"Hey Kaiser! Do you like [ First name ]!? ! Would you ever consider dating [ First name ]?"

This conversation isn't really something you should eavesdrop on but the blush on your face and your heart rapidly beating against your chest says so otherwise. You would be lying if you said you weren't interested in what Kaiser had to answer the question.

Kaiser gave it some thought for a few seconds before giving his reply.

"No. Not really."

You could your heart stop beating all of a sudden and dropped to the pit of your stomach, this feeling you were currently experiencing was too overwhelming to the point you could throw up on the spot. People were really not wrong when they said rejection hurt this bad...

You could almost taste the metallic taste from your lips due to how hard you were biting it.

"Sure [ First name ] is cute and all, but I think [ First name ] seems sensitive; not to mention, kinda annoying as well." Kaiser let out a sigh before continuing to speak. "It's almost as if [ First name ] won't leave me any space and is constantly always on my back, like a leech. I can feel the staring as well, creepy if you ask me."

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