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One word that describes me. Littering my entire body, I was a canvas painted by none other than my mother. The woman who had caused me more pain than any one ever had before. I stared at my reflection, the bandage that went from cheek to cheek, going over the bridge of my nose.

I was in the hospital bathroom gripping the sink to stop my shaking hands from the news I had just heard. I have brothers and one of them is sitting in the room right outside the bathroom. I breathing heavily as I ducked my head in between my shoulders.

I took a deep breath and looked up at my reflection again. I looked so tired but yet again, I do have insomnia so that explains it. I sigh again and as soon as I finish sighing, the door opens and my head turns towards it. The nurse, "Are you okay, you've been in here for ten minutes?" She says taking a small glance at her watch.

I nod, "I'm fine, I was just finishing off" I say and she closes the door behind her. I wash my hands and hop out of the bathroom because of my fractured ankle. I made eye contact with my "brother." He wore a black button down shirt and a black suit. He looked rich, I could smell his rich cologne from where I stood by the door. I made my way towards my bed and slowly got back into the blankets.

I had broken ribs and bandaged arms. I was in so much pain but I was way better at hiding it. The man just looked at me, studied me. I acted unfazed but his gaze was making me very uncomfortable.

There was a long silence until he was interrupted by someone opening the door. It was the nurse and a another woman walked in with her. I didn't notice before that she had gone out. She walked in with a tray of food, probably for me. The other woman, who I presume is the doctor as she wore a white coat, reaches my bed and begins to explain my situation to my "brother".

"With the circumstances of her injuries, she needs to stay on the wheelchair for a few days. Then she will be able to move on to the crutches," she says all this as the nurse adjusts my bed to make me sit up straight.

The doctor adjusts some equipment that was connected to me. The nurse places the food on the tray connected to the hospital bed. "She has a cut on her abdomen, it's not that deep, it didn't fracture any organs. So as the cut on the bridge of her nose. The cuts on her arms were very deep so we had to stitch them up. She just needs to change her bandages every morning and every night. She has about three broken ribs and a fractured ankle." The doctor explained.

My "brother" nodded, "Why is she shaking so much?" He asked the doctor, causing me to clench my fists at the mention of my shaking hands.

"Her heart rate is normal, so it can't be anxiety. My guess is that it is an effect of malnourishment. It seems she has not eaten for a long time. I suggest you get her a dietitian." The doctor replies and my "brother" nods.

"When she gets discharge, which is in about two days considering check ups and prescriptions. She will still need to go to a hospital for physiotherapy" the doctor continues as the nurse rips the plastic covering the wooden spoon.

"She has many small cuts from the glass but they won't be much of a problem. Her ankle fracture, we used a splint and wrapped it up in a short leg cast, that way her ankle can heal better and faster" She looks down at me and gives me a warm smile then turns back to my "brother".

The nurse hands me the spoon and then she walks across the room and selects pills and grabs water from the mini fridge.

I looked down at the food and slowly brought my hand up to hold the spoon. I scooped some mashed potato into my spoon and brought it up to my mouth. It was good so I went to take another bite. But the spoon stood midway.

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