Chapter 35 The Fruit and The Ring

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Chapter 35 

Today's the day.

I just hope that Jade managed to deliver my letter.

For now, I have to be patient and have breakfast with Zhier, who is obviously trying to be romantic as always. It does not sound too bad, but when you are the one sitting at the opposite side of the table and eating with him, I don't think that anyone would find the statement agreeable.

"What did you and Faragon do while I wasn't here last night?" He does not even bother to mask the jealousy in his tone. His eyes are studying me, captivating every small movement that would give him a hint if I am being dishonest. I am pretty sure by now that he knows that nothing happened aside from the fact that we talked. I know that he sent someone outside of my room to listen to my conversation with Faragon. For him to be asking me a question, it is obvious that this is a test to see my loyalty.

"I called Faragon because I wanted him to check my writing skills." I answer confidently since it is the truth—or at least the surface of the truth. Zhier seems satisfied with my answer and settles into his seat before me.

"You know, today is supposed to be a special day, but I did not manage to buy a cake. Humans like cake when they celebrate after all."

"A special day? Is it your birthday?" I decide to entertain him with small idle talks while we wait for our food to be served.

Zhier manages to recover from his earlier jealousy and starts to laugh. "No. It's nothing like that. We don't celebrate birthdays." I feel like it might just be my imagination but why does he sound so calculating with his words?

"Then what is the celebration for?" I try to pretend to be interested in the topic and push back the growing worry about thinking about the plan. I may be able to lie, but that does not mean anything if my face gives something away.

Before Zhier can answer, the door opens, and a veiled fairy enters the premises, carrying our meal on a tray. I did not pay her much attention before, but I can't help but focus on Zhier, who seems excited all of a sudden.

I used to feel happy for him when I saw him happy and excited, but now I just want to get away from him. Nothing always comes from that sort of feeling from a guy, or fairie, who develops a weird obsession over you.

The fairy serving us this morning sets a plate at the center of our table. It was an array of fruits. It would have looked normal if I had not noticed the golden ring embedded in one of the red fruits. My whole body suddenly freezes.

That...that's a ring, right? Surely it's not there by mistake.

Come to think of it, Zhier has been weirdly cautious and quiet. Not to mention the look of excitement on his face that I caught on earlier.

Oh no.

I pretended not to see it and instead started to look somewhere else.


"Livia." I see Zhier picking up the fruit with the ring placed on top of it. The look in his eyes and the smile on his lips are far more terrifying compared to the ring that he starts to take from the fruit.

"Yes?" It took everything in me not to make my voice shake. I keep my expression blank and oblivious. "Zhier, what's with the ring?" I might as well be digging up my own grave at this point.

Zhier gets up from his seat and goes to kneel at the side of my chair. "I'm not sure how humans do it, but I have researched enough to know that you symbolize love through a ring."

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