A Real Mother

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Guy Jr. came bounding downstairs, excited to see his grandparents. His sister and parents came down after him.

Guy opens the door.

"Nana! Pop-pop!" Junior hugs his grandmother first.

"Hey, Junior!" Karen pats his head.

"Hi, kiddo", Robert greeted.

Karen then looks up at the others and smiles.

"Glad you came, Mom and Dad. We really needed you guys' help."

Robert steps forward. "Anything to help, son."


After recapping the weekend to Robert and Karen, Michellee felt another wave of sadness wash over her. She rested her elbows on her knees and put her head in her hands.

This didn't go unnoticed by her family. E.B. hugs her mom around her torso. Guy put his hand on her forearm.

"What's wong, Mommy?", her toddler son asked.

Off to the side, Robert and Karen had a silent exchange. Then the former stood up. "Hey, Guy? Kids? Why don't you...come in the kitchen? Maybe we can...prepare a nice lunch for us", he improvised.

"Uh...sure." Guy stood up. "Come on, E.B., Junior."

"Alright", the teen sighed. She let go of Michellee, picked up her brother and went into the kitchen with Guy and Robert.

Karen scoots closer to her daughter-in-law, pulling her into a hug. Michellee weeps into her hands.

"Look at me, Michellee", the older woman said softly.

Michellee shook her head slightly.

"Please, sweetie? I just wanna help." Karen takes one of her hands, not caring if it was soaked in tears.

"You had it rough, sweetie. I know you did." Her grip tightened somewhat. She pulls Michellee closer, her chin resting atop her head. "Rose may have been your mother, but she wasn't your mommy."

Michellee looks up at Karen. The older woman smiles at her.

"I love all my children, Michellee."

"But aren't I your daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, but that also makes you my daughter." She punctuated her ultimatum with a big smile.

Michellee wipes her eyes as she smiles too.

"Mommy! Nana!"

The two ladies looked over at Junior.

"Food's weady!"


The family ate their lunch in the dining room: sandwiches cut into triangles and a pitcher of pink lemonade.

In the interim, small questions were asked.

"So...how's Sam doing?", Robert queried.

"Pretty good, Dad", Guy answered. "Got himself a new stepdad, sister and is about to have a new niece or nephew soon."

"Gee! Is that all?"

"Outside of planning his wedding, yeah."

"Actually, Guy, wanna know something?", Michellee butted in.


"Melanie told me she and Jack are having a girl. But we can't tell anyone else until she arrives, especially Sam."

Then she got up and walked over to her easel in the living room. On it was mostly sketches of the McWinkles that were partially painted in: Jack smiling down on the left, Melanie standing off to the right, Terry being held in her arms as he also smiled at the baby, who was cradling in her father's arms. So far she was the only one colored in and she apparently had her grandfather's blue fur and her mother's brown hair.

"Oh wow!", Karen exclaimed.

E.B. gets up. "Aww! Is that her?"


"Does she have a name yet?"

"Mel didn't tell me yet. I think she wants to surprise us all."

E.B. nods.

Then Robert stands up. "Well, if it's alright with Sam, we'd like to meet the baby when she gets here."

"I mean, I'd ask him, but I have a feeling he won't mind", Guy answered. "By the way, have you two seen Molly?"

"Umm...only in pictures."

"Then you gotta see her too. And Terry and Jenny and Grinch. My, you got a lot of catching up to do."


Just before leaving, Karen had one more thing to say to Michellee.

"Remember, sweetie, that if you ever need any help, just let me know, okay?"

"Yes, Karen."

"Ah ah ah. Call me 'mom'."

Michellee smiled and chuckled. "Yes, Mom."

And the two ladies hugged.

A Real MotherWhere stories live. Discover now