Chapter 1

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Take A Look At Your a Life

What makes you sad?

What makes you angry or furious?

What tears you apart to the point of wanting to curl up and cry yourself to sleep?

What makes you feel hollow inside?

What makes you feel like this life is meaningless?

Life nowadays is so fast-paced that we rarely take a moment to process our feelings. It’s common for people to hurl insults when they are angry. Sadly, anger is a secondary emotion and people rarely try to find out the real reason behind their anger.

There is a general perception that if you want to be happy you need to exude a positive attitude. I think if you need to be happy you need to reduce your negative attitude to a more neutral attitude.

Exuding a less negative attitude means dealing with the negative aspects in your life. I’m not talking about being all positive about things. I’m talking about looking into the source of the things that make you have a negative perception in life.

Being in a neutral position is good because you are not angry or sad. Being neutral in this case represents being content with life. In such a situation it becomes easier to accept happiness into your life because you're in a place where you open to good experiences.
I don’t want to sound like a shrink because I’m not one, but I would like to suggest that you note down the events that make you angry.

For example, I used to get angry with people because they made stupid decisions. It got so bad that I would have outbursts when people acted in unreasonable ways because I could not understand how they could not see reason.

One day I sat down and wondered what made me angry when people act unreasonable. Only then did I realise that I expect people to act in a dignified manner at all times because it has been expected of me my whole life.

Once I stopped expecting the best from everyone, I was able to see the people who do their best. It helped be to plan accordingly and have back up plans because things wouldn’t go as I expected. I don’t have anger issues because my expectations are adjusted accordingly.

I sometimes wonder how much better my life would have been if I wasn’t expected to perform above and beyond expectations. Working on one perception that brought a lot of negativity in my life helped me be at peace with myself.

The bottom line is:

Positive emotions are like the light while negative emotions are like darkness. Reducing the dark corners in you will spread the light you have more.

Instead of trying to be more positive, work on the negative aspects and you’ll have more positive things in your life

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