Chapter 27

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Theos POV

Days have passed by and she hasn't made any progress to breathe on her own, I still don't know the full extent of her injuries. Mia's parents arrived but it seems like there is something they are keeping from us. I know she had to have surgery on her leg and she had some fractures to her face and the stab wound.

Why did she stand in front of me?

That's the question I've been asking myself since that day.

"Theo" Ben said grabbing my attention, "Stop questioning why, she stood in front of you to protect you she told Riley she would protect us all that's why she went with him, that's why she stood in front of you, she didn't want anything to happen to you".

I must have mumbled the question out again, I've been doing that a lot, thinking out loud that is. I just wish I could have protected her I should have believed her. I haven't left the hospital in days, Cooper is with my mom, she calls every day to see how Mia's doing not that I have anything new to tell her. She said she feels guilty because she saw the bruises on Mia at the party but didn't say anything.

I want to know what her parents are keeping from me, I know it's something and I need to know. I need to know what's wrong with her.

Work has taken a back-seat Ben is running things whilst I spend time at the hospital, it's been a week now and the doctors are saying that they will be removing the machine helping Mia breathe to see if her body takes over.

Her parents are in the room whilst the doctors removed the machine, I'm stood by her window watching through the glass. I hear the doctors talking to her parents and they start hugging. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

As the doctor walked out she smiled at me, "Don't worry hun she breathing on her own, she should wake up soon".

I didn't even realise when a tear slipped down my face, she's breathing on her own. This is good news, she will be awake soon the doctor said she would be but what if she didn't want to see me. What do I do then?

I slowly walk into her room and her mom comes and hugs me "She going to wake up" pulling away she smiles at me because her smile disappears "When she does wake up you need to decide whether you're going to be there for her because her life is going to change and I'm not sure once you hear you will want to stay with her".

This is what they have been keeping from me "What is it?".

"She's pregnant, the baby survived her attack and is okay but I'm not sure how she's going to take it" my heart dropped into my stomach, she's having his baby.

I don't know how to respond, I have no idea what to do. I love her so much but she's having his baby and she doesn't even know.

Riley comes by the hospital whilst I'm sat with the news going around in circles in my head. I turn to her.

"She's pregnant, she's having his baby and she doesn't know yet" I mumble out.

"Oh" is the only thing she bothers to say.

"Yeah" she leans her head against my shoulder and I fall asleep some time later.

When I wake up Riley is gone and I make my way into Mia's room, her parents are gone I presume they've gone to the hotel to get some rest. I sit in the chair next to her and hold her hand and drift back off.

I wake up when I feel someone stirring, looking up I see Mia looking at me with her big beautiful eyes, she smiles slightly and whispers out "Your safe".

I nod as she moves slightly wincing, I press the call button for a nurse and the nurse casually strolls in until she realises Mia is awake and a sense of urgency occurs as she calls the doctor.

The doctor came in smiling,

"How are you feeling Mia?" Mia looked at her weakly "I'm okay".

The doctor laughed at this "You are one strong woman Mia, I'll get some more pain relief set up and come back and explain your injuries. Do you remember what happened?"

Mia flinched at this question as a lone tear escaped her eye whilst nodding.

"Very well I will arrange the pain relief and come back later once you have adjusted to being awake" she turned towards me before speaking "Can you contact her parents letting them know she's awake?"

"Yes, I'll do that now" I smile at Mia. "I'll be back in a few minutes" she looked at me like I wasn't going to come back.

"I promise I'll be back" I said as I walked out of her room.

I called her parents first and they sounded exhausted and started crying once I told them she was awake. I called Ben and Riley next, I could hear Riley shouting in the background for Ben to hurry his arse up and get in the car.

The doctor walked up to me "She's going to need some time but I'm going to tell her about her injuries once her parents arrive, I know it's not my place to say but make a decision on what you're willing to take on and maybe go home and take a shower before you see her again".

I look down at myself, my clothes are crumpled, I am currently growing a beard as I haven't shaved and I do need a shower. I nod at her, I will wait for her parents to come and go home quickly to get refreshed.

I walk back in to her room and sit in the chair next to her grabbing her hand, she appears to have fallen back asleep.

After around 20 minutes her parents walk in with Ben and Riley not far behind, I greet them and inform them I will be stepping out for a while whilst I go freshen up.

Ben comes over before I leave "We will take care of her man, go do what you have to do". There is more meaning behind this statement and I know I have to figure out what I'm going to do.

Walking out of the hospital my mind is continuing to race with thoughts, I feel immense guilt for believing him over her, I feel like I put her in that position and all she wanted to do was protect us from him. It's different now though, the woman I love is carrying his child and I don't know how to process that and deal with it.

I reach the apartment and its quiet nobodies in, I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, the beard has grown too long and I grab my shaver, getting rid of the beard, I step into the shower and clean every inch of my body for the first time in days I feel clean.

After I'm done I make a chicken sandwich in the kitchen and my phone starts to ring

"Mr Levy this is Lieutenant Bailey I need you to come down to the precinct to answer some questions regarding the attack on Ms. Graham" I sighed down the phone.

"Okay I will make my way their now, is that good?" as it was agreed I was annoyed at myself as I wanted to get back to Mia but I knew that it had to be done at some point.

After an hour or so at the precinct I find out that Ryan is being charged with attempted murder and grievous bodily harm. Lieutenant Bailey said he will be getting at least 15 years in jail.

I make my way back to the hospital when I'm done and see Mia sat up in her hospital bed, after being in hospital her facial wounds are healing the doctors said there will be no lasting damage, she will need physiotherapy on her leg but she will recover.

Mr Graham walks towards me before I can enter her room and pulls me away,

"The doctors have informed Mia about her condition and she has been asking to speak to you privately" concern filled voice.

I nod at him, I don't think I'm prepared to have this conversation with her but she wants to have it and I can't deny her that. I see everyone start to leave the room when I enter.

Looking at Mia she looks up and weakly smiles before speaking "I think we need to talk".

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