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-Human Au-

Death walked into the bar, His hand glided across his weapons.

The famous Puss in Boots sat at the bar bench, Death chuckled.

"Here's the legend himself.." Death thought, Puss looked over to him, His eyes widened and he blushed.

"Puss in Boots, Is it?" Death asked, Sitting next to the thief.

"Mm.." Puss hummed, He drank his drink, He couldn't kept his eyes off the Man, Death smirked.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" Death asked, He took a drink from the side of the Bar.

"No.. I apologise for staring, Senor." Puss smiled, Death got closer.

"Why were you staring?" Death said, Puss looked him up and down. 

"Well.. You see, I just.. I have never seen someone.. Like you." Puss chuckled, Death stared at the Thief, He laughed.

"It's the hair isn't it?" Death asked, Looking up at his own white hair, Puss nodded nervously.

"You are also quite.." Puss looked up, Meeting Death's gaze.

"Intimidating?" Death asked. 

"Tall.. Like really tall." Puss laughed.

Death raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure I'm tall? Or are you just short?" Death asked, Puss pouted.

"You're rude, I'm not sure I like you." Puss said, Turning away from Death.

"Well, Gato, I think I like you." Death laughed.

"Hm.. 'Gato'?" Puss asked, Turning back around, Death smirked.

"Well.. I have heard of you.. You are a legend, Are you not?" Death asked

"Yes, I am the undying- Oh.. I see what you mean." Puss smiled lightly.

"So, Gato.. Why is the famous Puss in Boots all alone?" Death asked, Puss frowned.

"I.. Why do you care?" Puss said, Trying not to spill his problems with this man, Not knowing much about who he was.

"Hm, Just making conversation."

"Oh.. Well, Since you're asking me questions, May I ask you one?" Puss asked, leaning up against the bench.

"Sure, Gatito, Go ahead." Death said, Taking a swing of his drink.

"You're a bounty hunter, Aren't you?" Puss said, Death tried not to laugh.

"Of sorts."

"What does that mean?" Puss asked, His hands on his sword.

"It means, If you're good, I might spare you." Death winked.

"Good? Hah! Puss in boots will not be scared of someone like you, A simple bounty hunter." 

"If I was you, I'd quit while I was ahead, Gato." Death teased, Puss growled.

"If you want your reward, It will not come easily." Puss said, Death smirked.

"Everyone thinks they will be the one to defeat me.. But no one has yet." Death said, Thinking back to all his victims. 

"Ugh.. Fine lets get it over with." Puss groaned, Death sighed.

"Unfortunate, I did enjoy talking with you, Gatito."

"Hah! You won't enjoy it when I beat your-" Puss said, Pointing his sword at death, It flew away, Puss pouted.

Puss looked at Death then his sword.

"Really?!" He groaned.

"You tried to stab me, Self defence Kitten." death said, He drank his drink carelessly.

"Kit- Ugh!" Puss groaned, He made to jump down.

Death grabbed him with two hands, Puss' face was red.

"What? What happened about beating me?" Death asked, Puss tried to push himself away. "Ohh.. Where are you going?" 

"Stop! Let me go!" Puss groaned, Death tightened his grasp on Puss.

"You try and stab me again, I'll crave out your heart and eat it." Death whispered, Puss whimpered. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes sir." Puss said, Death threw him on the ground.

"Good, gato." Death smirked. "Well, I'll be going."

"Mhm." Puss hummed, Blushing like crazy.

"Oh, And gato?" Death said. Puss looked up. "Your face matches your hair, It's cute." 

Puss smiled.

Death sighed as he walked out of the door. 

"He was so easy Death, Why didn't you kill him?" Death groaned when he was outside, Rubbing his forehead.

Death x PussWhere stories live. Discover now