Special Relationship

128 11 10

The following is not mine,
But it  inspires me to write...

The girl : Is there such a thing as a     perfect  relationship?

Like just one special relationship!

The person: Why just  that one special
I think I can  have  many relationships
in life..
Different relationships for different experiences...

Like a musical relationship with someone who shares our interest in music ....

Or the lets-get-coffee with together relationship...

Perfect to have coffee with

But not anything else.

Special gossip relationship...

With whom you can have the perfect gossip ...

Or the  special intellectual relationship...

For all those perfect bookish discussions...

So many different special relationship,
So many kind...

The romantic relationship is just one of many...

To expect a single relationship to take on the burden of every need...
A bit unfair,  right?

That is the thought---

We can't have everything in
One person !

Every relationship has
its own place of importance
In our life.

We can't expect everything
From just one romantic relationship.

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