Chapter 7

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Sameer had over heard everything and was elated to know that he had a daughter, something about Shahana had always reminded him about Shriti and he didn't look know why. He knew that Shriti probably hated him right now He sighed. Prachi knew that he overhead everything so she walked past him and said
Prachi: she doesn't hate you, she is just disappointed in you
Then she walked away. As Prachi got downstairs a fight a broken between Shaurya and Rajveer. The elders weren't around. They had gone to the temple to pray for Rhea .

Prachi just rolled her eyes. Everyone was trying to stop the fight but nothing was working so she went and stood in between the two
Raj: move away Prachi, he had no right to do what he did
Shaurya: oh shut up and you middle class girl move away, you have no right to interfere in my business
Prachi: actually I do have every single right  to interfere in this stupid childishness, Shahana what happened
Shahana: actually Prachi

Twinkle was walking around when she was stopped by Dasi
Dasi : you are so beautiful my dear
Twinkle: thank you ma'am
Dasi: I can see that you love Prachi so much, your parents must be proud of you
Twinkle: actually, my real parents died and Prachi's parents adopted me and they showed me all the love I could ever want. You would have thought that Prachi would have hated me because I was stealing her parent's attention but instead she loved me more than anything and still does, she was even willing to sleep on the floor just so that I would be cormfortable, she was there with me throughout my traumatic moments, my shoulder to cry on. I love her so much and I would do anything for her and also mom and dad. They never made me feel like an orphan, they loved me so much. Unlike some people I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm adopted, my parents loved me and then they died, and instead of an orphanage that day, I was granted with a new set of parents who loved me just as equally as my real parents did if not so more. That day I got 2 older sisters, 2 older brothers, 2 little sisters , aunts and uncles who love me so much. I'm just so grateful for my family.
Dasi was touched by her words. It's not every day youngsters like her show so much love and respect towards their families,  then the adults left to go to the temple meanwhile Shaurya had heard everything, he smirked. He found her story stupid and emotional but deep down he was jealous, yes his family loved him but they didn't understand him. They didn't try to understand him. They always viewed him as a spoilt child. They always gave him what they thought he wanted but they never bothered to ask if he wanted it in the first place. All he wanted was his mother, he wanted to know why she left him and his older sister. He wanted to know what he did to not deserve her love. People say a father-daughter bond is extremely strong but a mother-son bond is equally as strong. Nidhi tried to show him love but nothing could replace HIS mother's love. And by Nidhi's love I mean spoiling him endlessly and letting him get away with any wrong doing he did.
So Shaurya called Twinkle over. Rajveer who was passing by decided to stand close in case his sis needed him
Shaurya: get me some water
Twinkle: excuse me but I'm not your maid
Shaurya: well of course not you are just an orphan, Prachi's parents took in out of pity
Twinkle: so what at least they love me
Shaurya: are you sure about that, who knows maybe you're just that extra burden on their shoulders and they're just tolerating you and who knows maybe poor Prachi wants to get rid of you so badly but she can't because it will ruin her image of a good girl. Do yourself and them a favor by freeing them of a burden like you
Twinkle just looked down and tears started flowing from her eyes. She started breathing in and out heavily. She was having a panic attack. Shaurya's words had just risen up long gone insecurities. Rajveer who had enough punched Shaurya and Shahana took Twinkle, she was trying her best to calm down Twinkle but nothing was working and that's how the fight between Shaurya and Rajveer began, everyone was trying to stop them but we're failing miserably

End of flashback
To say Prachi was furious was an understatement, she was livid. It took her so much time to get Twinkle to accept the fact that she wasn't a burden on them and that they loved her so much. And now this asshole had risen up long gone gone fears. So she took Shaurya by the collar and slapped him harshly
Prachi: Twinkle may be adopted but at least her parents loved her and still do unlike you whose mother left you
Prachi knew that what she said was wrong and one day she would need to apologise, Preeta didn't leave Shaurya on her own accord but she was forced to, Prachi knew that but Shaurya didn't. Prachi's words hit hard, deep.
Rhea:  what do you mean by that Aunt Nidhi never left Shaurya
Prachi: oh please she is not even his real mother and Shaurya knows that
Kunj: Shaurya she is lying right
Shaurya was not in a state to speak, always thinking that his mother didn't love him was bad enough but hearing it from another person's mouth  stung like a bitch. He just kneeled and started crying. Rhea threw Prachi a hateful glance and went to console Shaurya
Shahana: Prachi, Twinkle
Prachi rushed down to Twinkle who was still having an attack, she hugged Twinkle
Prachi: Twinkle take deep breaths you know what he said is not true, I mean if mom and dad didn't love you then why would they show you that much love, they would have given you away but they chose to have you, wanna know why it's because they love you and don't ever think that I don't love you, you mean so much to me, more than you know, now let's breath in and out, come on
After a few minutes Twinkle was now feeling better but Shaurya was a mess. Just then the adults arrived and saw that both Shaurya and Rajveer were injured, Shaurya was in his knees crying with Rhea trying to console him and Twinkle in Prachi's arms with tears flowing from her eyes

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