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a/n: some stuff is supposed to be italicized but it wouldn't save and i want to post this before my internet drops again. i'll fix it soon. 

Lois isn't happy. Clark can tell by the number of missed calls he has when he finally peels his eyes open. He's been wrapped around Bruce for most of the day, just enjoying being near him. In doing so, he'd completely ignored any contact from the outside world. 

The woman is absolutely seething.

He assumed the news of him requesting to work from home had leaked and now she was desperately calling to see what was up with him. Thing is, he needed to spill the beans soon. Whether or not Perry approved him working from home or not, Clark needed to tell Lois. It was not just the fact that he was probably going to be spending little to no time in Metropolis except for the odd emergency, it was that this thing was getting very real, and he was bursting at the seams to talk to someone about who wasn't Bruce, a demigod, Bruce's sidekick or Clark's mom. He needed Lois. Plus, if he didn't tell her now, she'd never forgive him for not trusting her.

He doesn't think calling her back and blabbing over the phone is the optimal plan. As much as he would love to stay close to Bruce, this was something you did in person. So, he takes a quick trip to Metropolis. He needs to grab a few things anyway, so stopping by her apartment isn't exactly going out of his way.

"Where the fuck have you been? You didn't think telling your best friend you wouldn't be in the office was important? Plus, what are you doing with that time anyway? Are things getting hectic with Bruce or what?" She starts as soon as she has handed him his own mug.

"I'm gonna be a dad."

He decided that if he didn't just say it, he never would. Something about saying it out loud felt taboo. Maybe it's because he'd been keeping it a secret for so long, maybe it was because of the way Bruce tiptoed around the subject as if the mere mention of it would cause the world to stop spinning.

It seemingly does as Lois freezes, brain clearly buffering as she tries to connect the last update Clark had given her to this new announcement.

"Huh?" Is what Clark gets in return.

"It wasn't a planned thing, but -"

"You got someone pregnant? What happened to you and Bruce?" Despite her shock, Clark can still hear the disapproval creeping into her voice.

"Nothing..." he starts, trying his best to figure out how to explain himself, "he's the one..."

Honestly, Diana was so much better at explaining their predicament despite not having been there for most of it. Or maybe Robin was just easier to dump a bunch of nonsense on without much explanation. Maybe it was just a trait that came with working with Bruce. This was Lois, though. She'd want answers. All of them.

"He's pregnant?" she asks, a quiet gasp following when Clark gives a stiff nod.

Clark watches as her eyes light up and she starts to wander around the kitchen as if she's trying to figure out where to take this information.

"Yeah, uh, it's an alien - Kryptonian thing apparently."

He regrets saying the word as soon as it slips out of his mouth. Maybe it was a defense mechanism from being around Barry, but he hated mentioning casually that he was technically an "alien". He could hear the jokes before he could even bear to disclose the news to the rest of League, imagine the man mimicking imagery of a baby ripping out of Bruce as if that was something Clark wanted to hear. As if his child was a thing to be feared. He wouldn't mean it with ill intent, but it'd still irk Clark. That and Bruce. Questions about whether Bruce was going to be an optimal parent. Whether it be from people who knew him inside or outside of the suit, they didn't really know him. Not like Clark. Especially Lois. She hadn't had the time to get to really know him.

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