My Lover's Name

193 16 14

A lover's name is the winter rose, with a 

Heart encrusted in thorns, 

One the day that my love gave this heart 

To me, it was all other men that mourn. 

Though I pr*ck my finger and spill my blood, 

You are the stars that paint my sky, 

Without my love I would spill every drop, 

And all but lay down and die. 

The love we share is a love of ice, cold 

As the veins in your arm. 

And the storm that rages with your 

Every breath, is a storm only I can calm. 

With each petal as spectacular as the 

One that came before, 

And though you think I love you now, I 

Could love you so much more

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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