A Widow's Cry

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A widow's cry breaks the fog, but no one can 

Bare to hear, 

Her lover has left the mortal world, but his spirit 

Still lingers near. 

Only he can stand the noise, that has turned 

All men away, 

He could not stand his widow's torment, which 

Is why he chose to stay. 

How sad it must be to walk this plain, no chance 

Yet to be free, 

Not until his lover's heart is as cold and dead 

As he. 

Some tried to help, but none understood her 

Stricken grief, 

Now they scowl and walk away, saying she's 

Helpless beyond all belief. 

An eerie silence bellows, now the widow cries 

No more, 

The fountain of her heart runs dry, and death 

Reveals its door. 

The people rejoice, the widow is dead, reunited 

With he she loved, 

Now her spirit is free to soar up high, and reach 

The heaven's above.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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