Pearl Dust

165 11 6

Song: Control -- Zoe Wees


I thought I knew what it was like to be hated by the entire school, that was nothing compared to this.

I swear I caught fire at least seven times today from the burning gazes of classmates and professors alone.

I don't blame them. I don't know what the bloody hell I'm doing here either.

Well- that's not entirely true. I'm at Hogwarts because I promised my parents, my friends, and of course, the ministry that I would be attending this year. It was either I go to Hogwarts to redo my seventh year or be tried as an adult and possibly be sent to Azkaban if found guilty. Crab and Goyle both agreed to similar conditions. Since we were just barely legal adults in the wizarding world and showed at least some sort of signs of regret or hesitation while following the Dark Lord's commands, we were extended some grace.

Along with attending Hogwarts, we also agreed to random visits, wand checks, and all Hogwarts staff breathing down our necks. It could be worse. It will be worse for my parents.

My mother keeps trying to paint their trial as an opportunity to be found innocent, possibly to try and convince herself or maybe me. I wasn't stupid enough to believe it and I hope she wasn't either.

Blaise nudged my arm, bringing me back to the Great Hall bursting with chatter and the clanking of silverware.

"You all right? You've barely touched anything, let alone eaten it."

Blaise's family thankfully wasn't involved in the war. His father was killed by death eaters after refusing to join the cause and his Mother went through six more husbands afterwards. Due to his very limited interference in the war, Blaise was exempt from a trial.

"I'm fine," I muttered, hoping he'll take the hint and drop it.

He only rolled his eyes, "Yeah, and I'm a Gryffindor."

I shot him a look as I stabbed a piece of meat and stuck it in my mouth.

Blaise sighed, "Look, despite what you may think, I'm not an idiot. I get you've got a lot going on, I really do. I'm just- doing a bloody awful job at trying to say that I'm here."

My lips twitched at his pathetic attempt at camaraderie, "I think you should stick to making jokes instead of heartfelt declarations, Zabini."

Blaise broke into a smile and slapped his hand unnecessarily hard against my back, "I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor, mate."

I decided to ignore the worried glance Blaise and Pansy shared and instead focused my eyes on the other person who looked like she was having an equally hard time stomaching the food.

Granger was staring at her food like she was waiting for it to leap off the plate and attack her. Weasel had no problem inhaling everything within a three-foot distance, although from what I hear that's not uncommon for him. I still can't believe they're together, for someone called the "brightest witch of her age", Granger sure was lacking when it came to her taste in men.

McGonagall hit her spoon against her goblet, the sounding ring causing a hush to fall over the room. She began dismissing tables, instructing the first years to exit first by following the house prefects.

"Lastly, I would like to introduce to you all to this year's head girl, Hermione Granger-" she was cut off by the bouts of cheers and celebrations.

Granger's face flushed red, her neck practically snapping as she tried to fold in on herself to avoid the attention thrust on her.

It Would Be You -- DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now