Chapter 12 - Yes / No

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A gentle kick woke you from your slumber. It was nothing intentional on Jack's part - his leg had simply jerked in his sleep. It wasn't painful or anything, you'd just felt it enough to wake up.

After heavy amounts of rest, your head was feeling a wide margin better. You vaguely recalled where you were, but you weren't entirely sure what was going on. You knew for a fact the following things; Jack had brought you to his dorm after finding you in the abandoned mall, He looked very different from how he looked before, and you had fallen asleep on top of him. Why, exactly, and of that was the case, however, was beyond you.

There was also one other thing you knew. Movement was currently impossible.

You were laying on the couch with a very large and not entirely human creature wrapping his arms around your stomach. How had you not noticed his substantially different size before? Oh well, your head was fucked. Of course you didn't process it.

But anyways. While before Jack had been perhaps about 5'9", he was now perhaps almost a foot taller. It was most likely due to his odd new legs, and the rest of the strange transformation he'd gone through. And you were trapped.

There was no chance of escaping outside of waking him up. And that idea slightly scared you. After all, he had claws. Like, sharp claws. Who'd wanna fuck with that? Can we say bad ideas? Because, like, bad ideas.

Though it seemed Jack, even while asleep, noticed your awkward rigidness in his arms. He likely didn't even realize - as I said, he was asleep - but he loosened his grip substantially around you, allowing free movement.

With that in mind, you slowly sat up and went to find a bathroom. You hadn't really used one in a while.


Jack lifted his head up from the couch and yawned. He scanned around for a moment, panicking slightly when he didn't see you. His nerves settled slightly when he heard the sink in the bathroom. Thank god. And still no sign of Gary either. Even better.

He was not interested in the lecture he'd receive if Gary found out that a cult had actually sacrificed him. He could hear it in his head already.

"I told you that Jenny was weird. Now look at you. YOU HAVE FUCKING HOOVES. HOOVES, JACK. AND YOU DON'T HAVE EYES. Look, I don't wanna say I told you so, but I fucking told you so."

Yeah, Jack wasn't in the mood for that. He needed to get out of here before he had to deal with that.

You walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to him. He seemed to perk up a bit when he saw you sit next to him.

"Hey. How's it going," you asked slightly awkwardly.



"Do you feel better?"

"Yeah. A lot. Thanks."

"No problem."


"Do you like scary movies?"


"Wanna watch one?"

"I think I have some."

"Actually, I was gonna recommend we watch one at my house."

You couldn't see Jack's face, but underneath his mask he was furiously blushing. His mouth constantly felt odd and full, but words only now felt caught in his throat, as if his three tongues were pushing his feeling back into his esophagus.

After a short moment, he finally managed to push the words out of his throat, "Sure."

"Awesome. Want me to drive?"

A BLOODY GOOD TIME // Creepypasta x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now