Chapter Seven

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Day Two

"I'm not wearing that."

"You have to."

"No, I don't."

"Your sister made them for us."

"You're telling me you want to wear that?"

"Take a guess," Allison shot at him blankly as she threw the outfit in his direction. He caught the shorts and top with ease, glancing at the set in disdain.

"I always thought Scarlett didn't like all the attention on her," Cole mused as he ran his fingers along at the words on the shirt that read, #SCATEDownTheAisle. The outfit was even the same colors as their wedding theme— light purple and white. Scarlett used to make fun of those wedding hashtags people used, but as soon as it was her turn, she had whiteboards with different options on it.

"All logic go out the window when you're a bride," Allison sighed out as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You should've seen her at the bachelorette."

"I think half the world saw her at her bachelorette," Cole scoffed out, which prompted a laugh from Allison at the reminder.

His sister wasn't exactly prominent in the public eye, but it was common knowledge that she was dating Nate Cameron. So when she drunkenly got on a mechanical bull and sang every song she could think of at her bachelorette, it only made sense that it ended up on the internet. No one hadn't exactly let her live that down quite yet. Surprisingly enough, she didn't seem to mind. She actually laughed when she found out she was trending. Cole was pretty sure she was just genuinely happy to be marrying Nate, and nothing was bringing her down from that high.

"Are we actually going to these things? You realize how coupley they're gonna be, right?" Cole checked with raised eyebrows.

Allison sighed as she ran her hands through her hair, brushing it with her fingers to gather it into a ponytail. "Not like we have a choice, do we? We would've been the ones signing everyone up for this a few years ago."

He had to admit, Allison had a good point. They were always the ones to sign up for couples events. Most of the time, they went to get good stories from the stranger couples there. But they also genuinely enjoyed the time together.

Maybe yoga and a massage would do him some good anyway, his back was killing him from the couch. The cushions kept slipping in his sleep and he couldn't get settled. Cole didn't want to complain, because he knew that Allison would make him switch with her.

Cole tugged the purple tank top over his head, squirming to get it to on his body. He glanced in the mirror and raised his eyebrows, catching Allison's eye in the mirror. She shrugged helplessly and said, "You can be the one to tell her you don't like it."

"Pass," Cole said simply as he tugged on the workout shorts as well.

The two made their way down to the lobby in silence; the elevator taking forever on the way down. The hotel had put out signs with arrows on it, leading to various activities going on. They followed the one for the yoga class on it which has an absurd amount of hearts decorating it. They spotted Scarlett outside of the room, who sported the same outfit as they did. Cole spotted Nate inside the room talking to someone with a clipboard.

"You guys wore the outfits!" Scarlett exclaimed happily, not bothering to greet them.

"Did we have a choice?" Allison checked unsurely as they walked towards her and Nate.

"Of course not," Scarlett laughed out. "I would've made you change if you didn't."

"That tracks," Cole quipped as he peered over her shoulder to get a glimpse into the room. "What are the others up to today?"

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