Chapter 21 of Part 1: She's got balls

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: larryxnabi

Hey lovers’s who I love so unconditionally!

March break! Can I get a ‘what’ ‘what’??

*waves hands in the air and then starts to shuffle and break down into the running man because I’m that awesome*


Is it possible to die of laughter? I almost did, and man, before I broke down into a laugh-gasm, I swear my life flashed before my eyes.







When I watch Big Bang Theory,

I get nerd-gasms.

I’m that cool.


Chapter 21((Part 1)): She’s got balls.


We drove in silence for the next few minutes, the moment surprisingly not awkward. It was like we both knew that if one of us even dared to speak, it would turn into another fight, and probably one of us would end up walking back home. What I didn’t understand was why I even bothered to talk to him in the first place. I know he’ll never really change. He can’t. It’s impossible. Right?

Getting a parking spot, I paid with Brian’s money, and killed the engine. The only reason why I dragged Brian out here was because I wanted to know what he was hiding. I was fed up with his secrets, and I knew he had one more, something that he would never want me to know about.

Call me nosy, but I believe I have the right since he did cheat on me, which I would usually never forgive anyone with. For a particular reason, I felt like I couldn’t break up with him yet. I know. I’m insane. That’s what I get for having parents as retards.

“Get out,” I ordered, and went through the door. I wrapped my jacket around my stomach tighter, the temperature suddenly dropping. Slamming it shut, it took me a moment to realize that he was still in the car. Sighing, I opened my door again, and glared. “I said get out.”

He crossed his arms, and stared out the front window instead, not even acknowledging me. “You want to play it that way, fine,” I scoffed and shut the door. Coming to his side, I continuously banged my fist against his glass, like I was trying to shatter it. After a minute or two, I dropped that approach and decided to swing out his door. Taking off his seatbelt, I tried to yank him out, using my feet on the ground for support.

Brian slipped out a smirk, and I scowled, huffing in annoyance. I stood aimlessly by the car, and checked my watch. Flights leaving in half an hour and we still had to get pass security.

I felt like pulling my hair, as my stress level rose. My blood pumped, I was ready to just ditch him and take the flight myself, but that would have been stupid. Besides, the whole reason why I was here was because of him.

Throwing one last aggressive stomp, I looked at Brian, and bit my lip. “Can you please get out of the car?”

Not evening turning around to face me, he stayed expressionless. “No.” Well this day just keeps on getting better and better.

Playing The Bad Boy's Game (Completed July 2012) FIRST BOOK SO IT IS CRAP W A R N I N Gजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें