15) Bad Guy

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The prince drew his broadsword from his side, the deadly sharp dark metal glinted under the lantern light. He pointed its tip against the captain's chest. From the dock, the men made a move to board the ship, ready to assist in defending the royal's honor, but were stopped by a hand from their commander.

"Watch your tongue, boy!" The front guard belted up at them from where they all stood, "You are speaking to the future king of Espen."

The captain had a look of bewilderment on his face as he dropped to his knees, the pointed weapon moving to the side of is neck. The sound of bone hitting wood cracked into the night and echoed across the dark waves. "I... I did not know she was spoken for," the pathetic man stammered, holding his hands up in defense and cowering like a disciplined child. "Let alone owned by you, your highness. I was not really going to take her across the sea after—I swear it." He shifted into a submissive kneel, "P-please have mercy, my lord." The captain spoke as though somehow his intention to break their deal made his actions less heinous. As though the important part in it all was that Alexander would get to keep his servant in the end.

At his declaration Lucy flushed an even deeper red from the humiliation writhing inside of her. How could she have been so stupid?

"Mercy?" The prince sneered down at the simpering man, digging the tip of the blade into the first layer of his soft flesh. A scarlet ribbon trickled out like a slow flowing stream. "Were you about to have mercy on this poor maiden? No, you were going to have your way with her. Trick her and leave her. I should break every bone in your hands so that the next time you try to touch another helpless creature, it will be my face you see," Alexander snarled. He lowered the weapon, but made to take another step closer, allowing him within fist striking distance.

But a small hand appeared on his arm, snapping his attention away from his prey. "Do not do it," Lucy whispered.

His gaze found hers, eyes bright with a living flame, one that danced dangerously with an intense rage as he looked down at the girl who had caused him so much strife already. His eyes snapped reluctantly back to the whimpering captain, almost ripping away from her touch.

"Alexander, please," she begged, using his name and even earning a shared look between his men.

Despite his obvious anger, a look of shock and shadow passed over his dark features. He paused, giving Lucy a stare that was both calculating and torn before he leaned forward. Grabbing the large man by the front of his shirt with his free hand, Lucy watched as he picked him up with ease. Bringing the captain nose to nose with him, so he would not miss a word, "Sail away. Now. If I ever catch you on my shores again you will not live to see your next sunrise."

With an effortless shove, he sent the man stumbling back until he slammed into a mass. Straightening, he sheathed his sword and put his arm around Lucy, covering her with his own dry cloak and quickly ushering her off the ship. She did not make a scene as she was led away, the sleeping people of Cresthaven none the wiser to what had just taken place outside their doors.

Once they turned off the port strip and onto a back road, she finally pulled herself free of his warm embrace. Though regretted it when the cool night air nipped her skin. Still, the fresh breeze and slowing of her racing heart had allowed her a clear head. She was suddenly reminded of why she had left in the first place; Alexander's deceit and her need to be free of monstrous royalty. "I did not need your help, your highness," she snapped, using the term in a hostile manner as she turned to storm away.

There was a shuffle of feet but one silent look from him ordered his men back out onto the main road. Rolling his eyes as he had to keep them from going after a servant who had just spoken out against the crown prince. With his long strides, he easily cut off her escape route, blocking her path when she tried to side step around him again. "Do you have a death wish, Luciana?" He asked, his voice both low and sharp.

Beautiful Torment *Book One of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now